Chapter 22

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Kara and Lena each buss at the fact that they were nearly caught kissing by Lori, and certainly were caught by Eliza, and maybe Dr Solas too. Thankfully for the two of them though, it seems like Eliza reacted just in time, as the young girl is now running towards Kara and Lena, with a smile on her face, while constantly looking at the lamb that Dr Solas is holding in his arms, and bringing over to them.

"Mommy, Kara, look!" Lori says, in an excited voice, "It's a baby sheep! Look how cute it is! Dr Solas said I can feed it!"

"Oh, yes, it is very cute." Lena quickly says, with a smile, glad that Lori didn't see her and Kara kiss, as that might be a bit of a distraction for Lori today, while they are supposed to just be at this petting zoo, having a good time and everything.

"Why don't we all take a seat on that bench, jut over there, and we can each take turns holding the lamb, and feeding her from a bottle." The zookeeper suggests.

"YES!" Lori says, eagerly, because any of the adults can say anything further.

Kara, Lena and Eliza all chuckle at Lori's eagerness.

The group all sit down on the bench Dr Solas suggested they should sit on, with Lori sitting next to the zookeeper, followed by Lena, Kara, and then Eliza on the other end of the bench.

"Can I pet her now?" Lori asks, with wide eyes, clearly so very eager just to get to touch this baby lamb, as it looks so very cute.

"Yes. I can give her to you now, and you can carefully hold her." Dr Solas says, "Make sure not to hold her too tight though, and I'll help you hold her in a position, so you can also feed her too."

Lori just, very eagerly, nods her head, obviously very excited to get to hold this lamb. Seeing this sight just really warms Lena, Kara and Eliza's hearts, as it's such an innocent thing. Lori is just so excited over being able to do something simple like hold a baby lamb, and feed it.

Dr Solas then slowly hands the lamb to Lori, with him guiding the 3-year-old as to how to hold the lamb properly, which Lori soon does. After this, Dr Solas then slowly moves a bottle of milk towards the lamb's mouth, talking with Lori about what to do the whole time, with the lamb soon latching on, and starting to drink the milk. A few moments after this, Dr Solas hands off the milk bottle to Lori, who then continues to hold it in place, allowing the lamb to continue to drink the milk from it.

"I'm doing it! I'm doing it!" Lori says, with a wide happy smile on her face.

"Yes, you are darling." Lena says, with a loving smile, and places a kiss on the top of Lori's head, so happy that her little girl is enjoying this right now.

The adults all watch as Lori continues to feed the little lamb, with the young girl having a permanent wide smile on her face the entire time, clearly loving every single second of the entire experience. Lori looks so happy that her smile is just infectious, with Kara, Lena and Eliza all breaking out into their own wide smiles just seeing the absolute joy on Lori's face.

"Okay, would someone else like to feed the lamb now?" Dr Solas asks, after about a minute.

"Noooo..... I just got her." Lori says, with a sad look on her face.

Lena turns and looks at Kara and Eliza, knowing that Lori is going to be upset if someone else feeds the lamb.

"No. I think we are fine." Kara says, as she turns to look at Eliza.

"Yes. Lori can feed her." Eliza adds, with her own smile.

"Thank you." Lena says, as she looks at Kara and Eliza, before turning to look at Dr Solas again, "If you don't mind, can you just let Lori feed the lamb until the lamb needs to stop being fed?"

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