Chapter 42

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Kara arrives in Metropolis, still with rage filling her body, and she is soon tracks down her cousin to his apartment, where he lives with his girlfriend, Lois Lane. Kara is then able to get inside the apartment building, and soon enough, she is knocking on Clark and Lois's apartment door. A few moments later, Lois Lane opens the door.

"Kara?" Lois says, in a surprised voice.

"Hi, Lois." Kara says, with an angry scowl on her face, "I need to speak with Clark."

"I uhhh.... yes.....come inside.... he's just making supper. Is everything okay?" Lois asks.

"No." Kara says, as she walks past Lois, "Everything is not okay."

Kara now angrily walks through the apartment, and soon enough, she finds her cousin, who is stirring a pot of something at the stove. Clark quickly notices Kara, with his eyes widening in surprise.

"Kara, what are you...." Clark begins.

Clark is unable to finish his sentence, because Kara smacks her cousin across the face, very hard, causing him to go crashing to the ground. Luckily, the floors to this apartment must be pretty sturdy, as they don't give way to Clark falling to the ground.

"Kara!" Lois yelps, and quickly goes running to Clark's side.

"I TOLD YOU TO BE NICE TO HER! AND YOU WEREN'T YOU MADE HER CRY!" Kara yells, angrily, as she looks down at her cousin.

Lois now has got to her knees, but open hearing Kara shout like that, the reporter pauses for a moment, before looking up at Kara with a confused expression on her face. Obviously Lois has no idea what Kara is talking about.

"Wh.... What?" Lois asks, confused, "What is she talking about, Clark?"

"I'm talking about Lena!" Kara exclaims.

"Lena?" Lois asks, "You mean.... Lena Luthor?"

"YES!" Kara replies.

"Clark? What has Lena Luthor got to do with this?" Lois asks, in another confused voice.

"Lena wanted to see Superman, because Lex broke out of prison and broke into one of her facilities, and stole all the weapons and technologies he was working on before he was put in prison. Lena wanted to explain everything to Superman, and Supergirl. I told your good for nothing boyfriend to be nice to Lena, because she is not like her brother. Lena is good. Lena is pure. She is an amazing human being. But what does your boyfriend go and do? He yells at her, tells her she is just like Lex, and makes her cry!" Kara explains, angrily.

"Clark...... did you really do that?" Lois asks, clearly in a bit of a disappointed voice.

"Yes." Clark now says, finally speaking up, wiping the side of his face, "But she made kryptonite! Lex has kryptonite!"

"So what?!" Kara says.

"SO what?!" Clark asks, now getting back up to his feet, "Are you kidding me, Kara? You should know how dangerous kryptonite is. The fact she would even attempt to make it in the first place says it all really. And now that kryptonite, or should I be more precise.... Now the device to be able to make as much kryptonite as is possible, is in the hands of Lex Luthor! Can't you see where I'm coming from, Kara?"

"No!" Kara says, firmly, "Lena has done nothing but be helpful, and show you, and the entire world, that she is not like her brother. She helped put him in prison for Rao's sake! And the only reason she worked on the device is because she found that Lex had tried to use it to make kryptonite, and failed, and she just got curious and finished it. And when she says that. I believe her."

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