Chapter 13

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Kara and Lena have now taken a seat on Lena's couch next to one another, and Lena has poured herself and Kara a glass of wine each. Admittedly, Kara is a bit nervous right now, because she can feel her heart racing, and she thinks she finally knows why, she wants to really kiss Lena again. Every time Kara sees Lena now, she gets a sort of whapow feeling in her stomach, because Lena is absolutely stunning. Then, at the same time, it is kind of a big romantic turn on for Kara to just see how good a mom Lena is to Lori, the little girl she has managed to raise on her own. So, Kara already thinks that from a personality point of view, Lena is pretty amazing too, she is truly the whole package.

On Lena's side of things, she also is now feeling a bit nervous, as she is well aware that this might actually truly be the first time she has ever had alone with Kara, and due to Lori not being any sort of distraction, Lena just can't take her eyes off Kara. Lena sees that Kara is truly beautiful, and the fact Kara's shirt has ridden up a little bit right now, showing a touch of Kara's abs, has Lena a bit weak at her knees. Lena is just thankful that they are both sitting down right now. Then, on top of Lena just seeing how beautiful Kara is, Lena already knows just how amazing Kara must be in a personality sense of things. This has been shown by how amazing Kara has been with Lori, as the blonde has truly gone above and beyond in regards to taking care of Lori. Then, at the same time, Kara has also been very nice and pleasant towards her too, unlike so many other people, due to her last name. Lena honestly does feel that while the main reason for Kara being here right now, and spending time with them, is Lori, Kara also would be just as happy to spend time with her too, and not scared to be seen out in public with a Luthor.

"So uhhmmmm..... Do you have any ideas as to what we should order for our dinner?" Lena now asks.

"Oh uhh..... I don't know." Kara says, with a bit of a shrug, "I mean, I'll be happy with anything. I guess it depends on what Lori likes."

"Lori likes just about anything." Lena says, with a chuckle, "She isn't much of a fussy eater, apart from sometimes with vegetables."

"Hmmm... I'm still a fussy eater when it comes to vegetables. You have no idea how many times Eliza, or Alex, has tried to shove vegetables down my throat, and it just doesn't work. They are just yuck." Kara says, turning up her nose slightly.

Lena can't help but chuckle at Kara saying that, even though a part of her thinks Kara surely must be lying, because someone who doesn't eat many vegetables doesn't achieve abs like that.

"Who's Eliza? I think you mentioned her before, along with Alex, when you were telling us you liked to make pizzas with Alex and Eliza growing up. I thought maybe she was another sister or something?" Lena asks, out of curiosity.

"Oh no." Kara replies, "Eliza..... she's my adopted mom. Eliza and Jeremiah Danvers adopted me when I was 13, after my parents died..... in a fire...."

"Oh..... I'm so sorry to hear that, Kara." Lena says.

"Thank you." Kara smiles.

"Not many people know this, but I was sort of adopted too." Lena says.

"What do you mean, sort of adopted?" Kara asks.

"Well, Lionel Luthor, he is, or I guess was, my biological father, but I was a product of an affair he had with my mother. I don't know what happened between them. I know that he had an affair with my mother for a while, but then stopped, and I was born. After that, I just lived with my mom for a few years, until she.... drowned.... Then.... Lionel collected me and I lived with Lillian, Lex and Lionel after that." Lena explains.

"Oh..... I'm sorry to hear that, Lena. I know that despite the time that has past, it still hurts when you think of your parents." Lena says.

"Yes, well..... I think I probably had it better than you." Lena admits, "This might be a horrible thing to say, but as I don't really remember my mom, I only have flashes of images of her, there really isn't much to miss."

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