Chapter 51

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Kara now continues to hug Lori, in her arms, with both Kara and Lori crying, as Lena stands there with a sympathetic look on her face. At the end of the day, Lena's decision was that while she still has complicated feelings about the whole situation in regards to Kara being Supergirl, and the blonde not telling her sooner, despite how involved in both her and Lori's lives she has become, at the end of the day, she is already involved in their lives. Kara is involved in their lives, and Lena knows she is a good person, and not someone with secret intentions or anything. Kara may be Supergirl, but she is also Kara Danvers too, and that is what Alex was trying to stress to her, while Lillian mentioned that Kara must be good person if she was raised by Eliza. So, Lena has taken that all into account, and at the end of the day, Lena knows that she cannot keep Lori and Kara apart, for the simple fact that as Kara has already become a part of their lives, Lori has grown such a strong bond with the woman, and even other members of Kara's family. Lori loves Kara so very much, and her heart is clearly broken when she doesn't get to see her, and Lena for her part has witnessed how much Kara loves Lori too. Love like that. The love Kara has for Lori, that is something Lena knows that no one is capable of faking. Lena knows it's true, so therefore has come to this decision to let Kara and Lori reunite with each other. This however doesn't mean that Lena is past everything though. Lena knows she and Kara will still have to discuss matters, and right now isn't sure if she wants to continue to date the blonde or not. A decision in regards to that matter will have to come with a bit more time, thought, and discussing with Kara. For now though, Lena simply wants to put that to the side, and focus on letting Lori be happy, being back in Kara's arms.

"I'm sorry, Kara." Lori finally says, in Kara's arms, "I'm sorry if I was bad."

"No!" Kara quickly says, and hugs Lori tighter, "You were not bad at all. You did NOTHING wrong Lori. You could never do anything wrong. I love you so much, Lori. So much, don't ever doubt that. Don't ever think that I wouldn't see you out of choice."

"I love you too." Lori says, nodding into Kara's embrace, all while still crying lightly.

Kara and Lori continue to hug like this for a few more moments, until Kara eventually remembers that she and Lori are not alone, Lena is standing there too. This makes Kara feel a little bit awkward, as while she is hugging Lori right now, and has finally been reunited with the girl that has stolen her heart, she doesn't really know where things stand with Lena. Of course, Kara is pretty sure that things have moved into a positive direction, seeing as Lena is here with Lori right now, meaning Lena specifically brought Lori here to see her, but that doesn't completely answer Kara's questions as to what this could mean. After all, there is the Lori side of things, with Kara getting to continue to be a part of Lori's life, then there is also the Kara and Lena dating side of things, both of those things are not mutually exclusive to one another.

"Oh uhh...... Do you want to come in?" Kara says to Lena, still feeling very awkward as she looks at Lena. Kara knows that feeling won't be able to go away until she and Lena get a chance to talk, and Lena lays things out on the table, but that won't be until Lori isn't within earshot.

"Uhmmmm yes. Okay...." Lena says, in a tone that basically matches Kara's awkwardness.

Kara now takes a few steps backwards, all while Lori remains in her arms, and thereby allows Lena to step inside Kara's apartment. Lena, for her part, closes Kara's apartment door behind her, once she has walked inside, knowing that Kara won't be able to, with Lori still in her arms. Lena doubts, very much, that Lori will be letting go of Kara anytime soon.

"I uhhmmm...... ran into a delivery driver who was heading for your apartment..... as I came here.... So..... I paid for your order for you, and tipped the driver." Lena says, as she holds up a brown paper bag she has in one of her hands, which Kara knows contains her 20 sticky buns. Until this point, Kara had completely not noticed the bag in Lena's hands, and even forgot about her food order.

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