Chapter 48

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It is now the following day, and Alex is doing something that she knows Kara would not want her to do, but she is doing it anyway, and that is going to see Lena at L-Corp, so she can state Kara's case. At the end of the day, even though Kara probably would not want Alex to do this, Alex has always been protective of Kara, and Kara is one of the two people that Alex loves the most in the entire world, so of course she is going to try and do anything in her power to help Kara, and hopefully help Lena see the light on things. Alex absolutely hated seeing how upset Kara was yesterday, and how worried she was at the thought of losing both Lena and Lori from her life. Kara has already lost enough in her life, she doesn't deserve to lose anything else, especially not when even Alex can see just how special a bond Kara and Lori have, and at the same time, Alex has also seen how Lena has looked at Kara previously as well. Literally, when they were on the plane heading back to National City, for most of the plane ride Alex saw Lena giving Kara heart eyes the entire time, and those heart eyes went even wider when Kara did something cute with Lori. Alex was actually a bit worried that at some point during the flight Lena was doing to drag Kara to one of the plane bathrooms just to have her way with her, but thankfully that didn't happen. Then, at the same time, while a lot of Kara's focus has been on Lori, Alex has also heard Kara talking about Lena so much, always saying kind things about her, and complimenting her beauty, among other things. So, Alex really knows that Kara and Lena truly could have something special, just as long as Lena is able to get passed the Supergirl thing. If her talking to Lena about it all, even helps Kara a little bit, then it is completely worth it to Alex, even if Kara won't be thrilled about her doing exactly this.

Alex soon arrives at L-Corp. This is the first time Alex has actually been in this building, and in all honesty, Alex doesn't even know if Lena will be here today. Alex just presumes that as Lena is the CEO of L-Corp, she should technically be at L-Corp during working hours on a weekday. Either way, Alex knows that she might as well try, so once inside the building she makes her way to the receptionist desk.

"Hello, and welcome to L-Corp, how may I help you today?" One of the receptionists asks Alex, as she approaches the front desk.

"Hi. I'm here to see Lena Luthor." Alex replies.

"Okay...." The receptionist replies, with a bit of a confused expression on her face, clearly not expecting someone to be here today to see Lena, nor refer to her as Lena Luthor rather than Miss Luthor, "Do you have an appointment?"

"No. I don't. But if you can let her know that Alex Danvers is here to see her, then I'm pretty sure she's going to let me up." Alex replies.

"Very well. One moment please." The receptionist says, politely.

The receptionist then gets out a phone to call up to Lena's office, and while she does that, Alex just looks around at the L-Corp lobby again. Looking at it really makes Alex think about just how much money Lena truly has. Of course, Alex was already aware that Lena's a billionaire, and she has already been on Lena's private jet and everything, but still, from the interactions that Alex has had with Lena thus far, the L-Corp CEO has come off as normal. Lena has never come across as some rich billionaire CEO who is out of touch with the rest of society, just because they live by different rules than anyone else, because of their money, and pay people to do absolutely everything for them. However, Alex thinks that perhaps a big reason for Lena not being like that, is Lori. Lena as a mother to Lori clearly does not want to raise the 3-year-old to be spoilt, and would much rather take care of the child herself, than pay nanny's money to raise her daughter, like most rich people would do. Alex is soon pulled out of these thoughts by the receptionist speaking up once more.

"Miss Danvers?" The receptionist calls out, getting Alex's attention.

"Yes?" Alex replies, turning back around to look at the receptionist.

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