Chapter 11

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It is now lunchtime on Thursday, and Kara is really super excited, because she is about to see Lori and Lena again for the first time in almost 5 days. At this point there is no hiding from people around Kara, and even Kara herself, that her mood has been affected by the lack of not seeing Lena and Lori. Kara's friends and work colleagues have all noticed how she has been in a bit of a sour mood over the last day and a half, having a sort of permanent pout on her face. In fact, a few people even came up to Kara to ask her if she was okay, and that was when Kara herself realised how her mood had truly been affected. To counter this, in Kara's free time, outside of work, she actually looked over the paintings that she did with Lori on Saturday, and grew a big smile on her face thinking about the memory of painting with Lori, and spending that day with the 3-year-old in general. The painting that Kara settled the most on though, was the painting she did, of herself and Lori standing there, doing their paintings. Kara loves that painting, and thinks it's one of her best paintings she has done, even if from an artistic side of things it's not her best. As Kara continued to think about this though, she decided to actually try and do the same painting again, but this time on a proper canvas, rather than a large piece of paper. So, over the last few days, Kara has basically been trying to subside her pouty mood by focusing on redoing the same painting on a proper canvas now. Doing that has just made Kara happy, as it has allowed her to continue to think of the memory of doing those paintings with Lori. Kara has even decided that once she finishes the canvas, she wants to gift it to Lena and Lori, if they want it. Kara doesn't have it with her today though, because it's not ready yet. There are still several things that Kara wants to do to the painting to finish it off.

Right now though, Kara isn't actually heading to lunch with Lena and Lori by going to L-Corp. Lena sent Kara a text a couple of days ago to let her know that she has booked a table at this nice little local restaurant where they can eat. Lena also told her that the place has a very private section, which is on a balcony area, where it will be just them, with no one else being around. Lena, of course, has done this because she still does not want people to see Lori, and realise that she is the daughter of Lena Luthor. That could obviously be something that people might notice if they sit in a restaurant with a bunch of other people. Kara is more than happy to go to this private area with Lena and Lori, because she thinks it will allow them to actually just be more casual, and not be worried about how to act in public or anything, like most people feel when they are sitting in a busy restaurant with a bunch of other people around them.

Kara is now arriving at the restaurant, coming there straight from CatCo. Seeing as Kara couldn't bring her canvas with her today, she has brought with her all of the paintings that she and Lori did on Saturday, other than the one Kara is using as a reference for her canvas, of course. Now that Kara has arrived at the restaurant, she stands at the restaurant greeter's area, and waits for someone to come greet her. Kara doesn't have to wait long, as after about a minute one of the restaurant workers comes up to greet her.

"Hello, are you looking for a table?" The restaurant worker asks, with a smile.

"No. I'm supposed to be meeting someone here. Under the name..... Luthor?" Kara says.

"Ah, yes. Please, follow me." The restaurant worker says.

Kara then follows the restaurant worker, and they walk to the back of the restaurant, and then up a spiral staircase, where they eventually come out onto a floor, which leads out onto a balcony, where there is a big table, and Kara sees that Lori and Lena are already seated.

"Here we are." The restaurant worker says.

"KARA!!!" Lori says, excitedly, and quickly jumps off her chair and goes running over to Kara.

Kara grows a big smile on her face upon seeing Lori coming running towards her, happy that she is with both Lena and Lori again. Lori then quickly jumps up into Kara's arms, as has become a routine greeting between the two of them now, and Kara makes sure to grab the 3-year-old, and hold her tightly.

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