Chapter 19

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It is now the following morning, Friday, and Lena is just waking up for the day. As Lena wakes up, she opens her eyes, and for the first few moments, she doesn't know where she is, as she looks around and sees an unfamiliar environment, and room. However, after a few seconds, Lena remembers that she is in Kara's home, as she and Lori spent the night there last night, after they had such a wonderful time with Kara and all her friends and family for Thanksgiving. Just thinking about the events of the day brings a smile to Lena's face. It really was a sort-of party formed of people who weren't abusive or rude to her at all, and in fact were nothing but friendly towards her. This is a nice change of pace for Lena, as honestly she has not got to go to anything like that, ever really. Presently, Lena honestly doesn't really have any friends, other than maybe Sam, who she met when Luthor Corp was buying Sam's company. But even with Sam, the two of them are not that close, simply because Lena has sort of kept her at arm's length, as she never told her about Lori's existence, and on top of that now, they each presently live on opposite sides of the country. The only events like these that is even comparable for Lena, is when she has had to attend various Luthor Corp, and now L-Corp parties. However, that is nothing like what happened yesterday. Those events are just filled with rich snobs, who honestly think fun is gossiping about other people's lives, and making underhanded business deals. That's not exactly Lena's idea of a good time, but she has to put up with going to them, seeing as she is now CEO of one of the biggest tech companies in America. Even before Lena became CEO, she never really had functions like that she experienced last night. The Luthors certainly never had family nights like that. Lionel was always too busy, or drunk. Lex was much older than Lena, and had become mad with his 'vendetta' against Superman. Then Lillian always showed Lena the cold shoulder, up until she told her mother she was pregnant of course. After that, Lena, Lori and Lillian have had some more normal family nights together, like the one Lena experienced last night, but it was just the three of them, not much of a party. That is why last night was so gratifying to Lena. Lena finally felt she had some people who she could relax with, and chat to about various topics, who were also more than happy to talk, and play, with Lori. Lena almost felt like she had a group of friends.

Lena now turns and looks at the other side of the bed for the first time, expecting to see the beautiful sight of Kara and Lori cuddling together. However, Lena is disappointed in this regard, as she is met with an empty bed. Upon seeing this, Lena reaches over to the other side of the bed and feels it. It's cold, meaning that both Kara and Lori must have been up for a while. So, Lena slowly gets out of bed, intending to go find where Kara and Lori have gone to. First though, Lena heads to the bathroom, to take care of her full bladder, before heading out into the main area of Kara's apartment, where she soon sees Kara and Lori standing in the kitchen, cooking pancakes.

Presently, Lori is standing on a little stool, helping Kara pour some of the pancake mix into a frying pan, with Kara standing right behind her, clearly being ever present, to make sure to stop Lori from doing anything wrong, or burning herself or something. Lena also sees that Lori and Kara already have made quite a few pancakes, as there is a tower of about 20 of them, sitting on a plate to the side.

"Morning." Lena now smiles, after just taking a moment to watch Kara and Lori, who both haven't seen her.

"Oh, Lena...." Kara says, awkwardly, feeling a bit embarrassed she didn't notice Lena walking into the room, even more so because she didn't hear Lena with her super hearing.

"Mommy!" Lori smiles, widely, "Kara and me are making pancakes!"

"I can see that, darling." Lena now says, as she walks closer to Lori and Kara, and then cups the back of Lori's head, before placing a kiss on the top of it.

As Lena kisses the top of Lori's head, she very much tastes something that should not be there.

"What have you got in your hair, Lori?" Lena now asks, as she begins to look with her fingers.

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