Chapter 32

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It is now Friday morning, and Kara is super excited for her little date tonight with both Lena and Lori. Kara thinks that a fun thing for them all to do would be to go bowling together. That way it's a fun activity, that hopefully Lori can enjoy, and at the same time, both she and Lena can spend some quality time bonding too. Afterwards, Kara thinks they can all go out for dinner, then go back to Lena's place, spend some more time together, put Lori to bed, before she sits Lena down and tells her she is Supergirl. Of course, Kara is incredibly nervous about telling Lena that she is Supergirl, not because she doesn't trust her, but because she is unsure what Lena's reaction is going to be. Kara doesn't think that Lena will react poorly, or be angry at her for being Supergirl. However, Kara also knows that it's not out of the realm of possibility that after revealing her secret to Lena, Lena will decide that she doesn't want to deal with the complications, and other stuff, that comes with dating a Kryptonian, which Kara guesses would be understandable. Kara just really hopes it doesn't come to that, as she truly feels something special with Lena, and she can imagine a future with both Lena and Lori, where they make up a nice little family. Thinking about it always puts a smile on Kara's face.

Right now, it's around 10AM, and Kara is presently at CatCo, getting on with some work that she has to do today. Kara knows that the hours are seriously going to drag today, because all she can think about is her workday ending so she can go on that date with Lena and Lori. Soon though, at around 10:15 AM, Kara sees that she is getting a phone call from Lena. Seeing this immediately puts a smile on Kara's face, and she soon answers the call, stepping out onto the CatCo balcony.

"Hey, Lena." Kara says, with a smile.

"Kara." Lena says, with a sigh.

Immediately Kara can tell that something is up with Lena, from her tone of voice.

"What's up?" Kara asks, "You.... sound stressed."

"That's cause I am." Lena replies, "I just found out that there was a theft at an L-Corp facility in Metropolis. Some seriously dangerous stuff may have potentially been stolen. Then, on top of that, the people who broke in to steal the stuff were able to get pass our security system, which is top of the line. It's only 1 step down from the security system I use here in National City. So, that is concerning too."

"Oh.... that really doesn't sound good.... Uhmmm.... is there something you'd like me to do? Do you..... do you need me to contact Supergirl for you or something?" Kara asks, a tad awkwardly.

"No. No. Nothing like that." Lena says, "I'm phoning you because, well, I have to go out to Metropolis, in a few hours. I'm going to be there all weekend, sorting everything out, and investigating things, with Lillian."

"Oh." Kara says, in a disappointed voice, realising she won't get to have her date with Lena this way.

"Yeah.... I know that means I won't be able to make our date tonight. But there's also something else." Lena says.

"Yes? What is it?" Kara asks.

"Well...... what I'm about to ask..... I know is a really big ask..... and I know I've already asked a lot of you.... and even Alex...... but....... I can't take Lori with me to Metropolis, as Lillian and I both need to be there, at the facility, to investigate everything, and there will be other people there too. So, there will be no one to look after Lori, and Jess has a wedding to attend this weekend, so I'm not going to even ask her. So...... I was wondering...... would it be at all possible..... for you to watch Lori for me.... for the weekend, with her staying here in National City with you?" Lena asks.

Kara's face honestly lights up a bit at Lena asking her that, because she thinks that while it sucks that Lena will be missing their date, the option to actually get to spend the entire weekend with Lori is a pretty good one.

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