Chapter 38

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Kara, Alex, Lori and Eliza have all arrived back in the centre of Midvale now, and seeing as it's too early for any of the places to be open where they can get some food for lunch, the foursome have all head inside the little park in the middle of Midvale, which has a nice little playground as part of which, that hopefully Lori will have a wonderful time playing in.

"Alex?! Can we go on the swings together? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...." Lori asks, in a cute voice, clearly remembering how after the first time they met, they actually went on the swings together, and Alex taught Lori how to swing on the swing by herself.

"Of course we can, Lori." Alex smiles.

"'liza, Kara, you have to watch us!" Lori exclaims, as she and Alex begin walking over to the swings.

"We will honey. Kara and I will come join you in a bit." Eliza says.

Upon hearing this, Kara knows that it means that Eliza just wants to have a private word with Kara for a few moments, before they go and join Lori and Alex. So, Kara and Eliza simply watch Alex and Lori walk over to the swings, and start their fun in the playground. Lori being completely content with spending some time just with Alex, for now. Kara can't help but smile at this happening.

"So, Kara, have you had the conversation with Lena yet? About.... you being Supergirl?" Eliza asks.

Kara sighs as soon as Eliza asks her that.

"No." Kara replies, "Like..... Lena and I had our first date the other day..... and I thought about telling her then..... but I really didn't want to ruin our first date by just spitting out a big secret to Lena. Plus, I expect Lena will need some time to digest, and just sit with the secret, and see how she feels. So, I didn't want to put that on her during our first date. After that, I WAS going to tell Lena yesterday, when we were supposed to have our second date, and I was just going to fly up here today and join you and Alex for Jeremiah..... But obviously, because of whatever is happening in Metropolis with L-Corp, that didn't happen. So, I really haven't had a chance yet. I promise though, I do intend to tell Lena. Once we get back to National City, and we have a moment alone, I will tell her. I want Lena to know, and I trust her, utterly and completely, and I know I cannot keep this big secret from her if we continue to date, as it will just blow up in my face when Lena finds out."

"Hmmm.... Well.... at least you are self aware enough." Eliza comments, "You do need to tell Lena soon though, because you can't just think of you and Lena. You have to think of Lori too."

"I know." Kara nods, "And I do."

"I know you do." Eliza says, with a small smile, "But you also need to be aware of how emotionally attached Lori is becoming to you. I heard what she said earlier, about you being her mommy too if you and Lena were to get married. Lori is a young girl, who wears her emotions on her sleeve. If you continue to spend time with her and Lena, you shouldn't be surprised if she stops calling you Kara, and starts calling you mommy too."

Kara's eyes widen at Eliza saying that to her, as she hadn't even thought about that prospect.

"I'm not saying that to scare you, sweetie." Eliza says, "You just need to be aware, as if you do keep your secret from Lena longer, it might very well end badly for you, and in turn, that would end badly for Lori too, because she loves you so much."

"I know..... and..... I'm not scared about the idea of Lori calling me mommy, just to be clear on that. But.... you're right. Even if the moment isn't convenient, I will tell Lena, just as soon as the two of us are alone, once we get back to National City."

"Good girl." Eliza smiles, "Now, let's go join Alex and Lori. It looks like Lori could do with someone pushing her on the swing."

"Yeah." Kara smiles, as she glances over at Alex and Lori on the swings, and Lori struggling to remember how to swing herself with her legs.

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