Chapter 10

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It is now Monday and after going into work today Kara has looked at her schedule, and she has quickly realised she won't be able to have lunch with Lena and Lori until Thursday this week, which Kara feels like is going to be forever for her. The reason for this is today Kara just thought it might be too short a notice to just come by and have lunch with Lena and Lori, then tomorrow Kara is having lunch with Winn and James, and on Wednesday Kara is going to be out most of the day because she has arranged to do a few interviews around National City, and she doesn't really know how long they will be. Kara, of course, could quickly go and have lunch with Lori and Lena between her interviews, using her powers to just get to L-Corp on time, but Kara thinks that doing that might make Lena suspicious, or she would just have to lie to Lena about where her interviews were, which Kara doesn't want to do. Then, on top of all that, Kara doesn't want to rush her lunch with Lena and Lori, and either arrive late because of an interview going long, or having to leave early to get to another interview. All this means that Kara has to wait 4 days to see Lena and Lori again, which she isn't too happy about. Lori has already grown a big place in Kara's heart, and the blonde superhero also very much likes spending time with Lena too. In fact, Kara also had a dream about Lena last night where the two of them were just sitting next to one another on a bench. Lori was nowhere to be seen, but Kara quite liked sitting close to Lena, and looking at her, in her dream. Kara isn't too sure what the dream means though.

Presently though, Kara is actually just about to leave CatCo to have lunch with Alex, which is just a spontaneous lunch Alex has asked Kara to come to. Kara thinks that maybe Alex might want to more so talk about her coming out, as they really didn't get a chance to talk it through a lot with Lori being around. Or, alternatively, Kara thinks that maybe Alex wants to talk with her about Maggie, who Alex told her she likes.

Kara soon arrives at Noonan's, and as she does, she quickly finds her sister sitting in a booth, and upon seeing her, Kara can tell that something is wrong with Alex. Alex just has a dejected look on her face, being slouched forward, and not even noticing Kara walking over to her.

"Alex?" Kara says.

"Oh.... hey Kara." Alex replies, in sad voice.

"Is everything okay?" Kara asks, as she takes a seat in the booth opposite Alex.

There is then a moment of silence between the two sisters.

"Well I...." Alex begins, however she is interrupted by the waitress coming over to their table.

"Hello, can I take your orders?" The waitress asks, with a smile.

"Oh, uhhmmmm.... Do you know what you want Alex?" Kara asks.

"Can I have a steak sandwich with fries, and a coke, please?" Alex asks.

"Of course. And for you?" The waitress asks, looking at Kara.

"Uhhh..... Can I have a chicken wrap, with fries, and a water. Then a plate of potstickers for us to share?" Kara says, even though she knows the potstickers are just for her, Kara just feels awkward ordering potstickers for herself, and making it seem like she's a bit of a pig.

"Of course. Is that everything?" The waitress asks with a smile.

"Yeah. Thanks." Alex says.

"Okay. I'll put these orders in, and then be back with your drinks soon." The waitress says, and takes Kara and Alex's menus, before walking away.

"What were you going to say, Alex?" Kara asks, now the two of them have a private moment once more.

"I..... was going to say..... everything is not okay." Alex says, and now grows some tears in her eyes.

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