Chapter 16

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Kara and Lena now walk into Kara's apartment, both with smiles on their faces, each glad that they have actually agreed on a date, and Kara was brave enough to actually take that first step, and ask Lena out. As they walk in, they are met with the smell of cooked food, and Alex sitting at the table, playing Uno with Lori, who is laughing happily with Alex. It actually, kind of, is a really nice and pleasant sight and feeling for Lena. Lena almost feels like this is something she could get used to. Coming home, after a long days work, to find her daughter taken care of, and actually getting along with other people, while also getting to kiss Kara. That sounds like a bit of a dream. However, Lena quickly shakes those thoughts from her head, and comes back to reality.

"Mommy!" Lori soon says, and drops her cards on the table, and goes running over to Lena.

Lena breaks into a wide smile at Lori running to her like that, and soon takes the 3-year-old in for a hug.

"Hello, darling." Lena says, "Have you had a good afternoon with Kara, and now Alex?"

"Yes." Lori nods, with a happy smile.

"What have you done?" Lena asks.

"I watcheded a movie, when Kara was doing her work. Then, I did coloring, as Kara did more work. Then after that I played games with Kara, including UNO! Then, Alex came, and we all played together. Then, I just played with Alex, as Kara cooked dinner." Lori explains.

"Oh, that sounds very nice. Did you beat Alex and Kara at Uno?" Lena asks, with a smile.

"Yeah. Lots." Lori nods, with a happy smile.

"Well, I guess they need to get better at it then?" Lena smirks, knowing full well Kara and Alex probably let Lori win.

"Yes!" Lori smiles, happily, "Do you want to play with us, mommy?"

"No. I think I'll help Kara with the dinner. But you can continue playing with Alex, if you like?" Lena suggests.

"Okay." Lori nods, happily, and walks back over to the table, to continue playing Uno with Alex.

"Hi, Alex." Lena smiles, politely.

"Hello, Lena." Alex replies, with a smile.

Lena now walks into the kitchen area of the apartment along with Kara.

"It seems like they are getting on really well." Lena comments, as she begins helping Kara in the kitchen.

"Yes." Kara nods, "I honestly think that Lori has got Alex wrapped around her little finger already. And frankly, how couldn't she?"

Lena simply smiles at Kara saying that, while glancing over at Alex and Lori, who are both chuckling and yelling while they play their game of Uno. It makes Lena think that it would be nice if Lori could have more family members other than her and Lillian, as Lori is really missing an aunt, to spoil her rotten.

"Yes. It is nice to see that." Lena says, with a smile, as she glances at Alex and Lori playing Uno.

Kara just smiles herself at Lena saying that.

"Thank you for doing this today, Kara." Lena says, "I know I've been asking a lot of you, from basically the start of us first knowing each other. So, I really appreciate the fact that you offered to just allow Lori to spend time here with you this afternoon, instead of being bored in my office."

"Of course, Lena." Kara smiles, "I'm not lying when I say I absolutely love spending time with Lori. In fact, I probably shouldn't admit this, but I do miss her when we don't get to spend time together for a few days. I miss you too, of course."

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