Chapter 6

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"My name is Lori! I'm making pizza. Making pizza, with mommy and Kara. I like pizza, because it's yummy. I could eat pizza all day!" Lori sings, happily, as Kara, Lena and Lori all begin to spread their pizza tomato sauce onto their pizzas with spoons.

Kara and Lena both grow wide smiles on their faces upon hearing Lori sing her little sing. They are both glad the young girl is clearly having such a good time.

"That's a nice song, Lori." Kara says.

"I made it up!" Lori replies.

"Well, you are quite the singer then, aren't you?" Kara says, with a wide smile.

Lori just giggles happily at Kara saying that.

Lena, for her part, just continues to carefully, and evenly spread the tomato sauce on her pizza base, wanting it to be all even. As Lena does this, she notices how Kara clearly isn't too fussed about getting an even spreading of the pizza sauce, while Lori just is going a little crazy with it all.

"Lori, careful. Let me help you with that." Lena soon says.

"No!" Lori says, pulling away from Lena, as she tries to reach for her spoon.

"Lori, you are not really spreading it, you are just moving it about with your spoon. You have big spots here, here and here where there is no sauce." Lena says.

"I want to do it!" Lori says, with a pout.

"How about I help you, Lori?" Kara suggests, "I'll show you how to do it, and you copy me?"

"Yes. Okay." Lori nods.

Kara then proceeds to show Lori how to spread the pizza sauce over the base with the back of the spoon, making sure not to leave any areas without sauce on it.

"See, we want to make sure we at least have some sauce everywhere, as this sauce basically acts like a glue, that will stick the rest of our pizza toppings to our pizzas." Kara explains.

"That's cool." Lori says.

"Yes. It is." Kara smiles.

Kara and Lori then both finish off spreading the pizza sauce on their pizza bases.

"Okay. Now we get to decide what we are going to put on our pizzas." Kara says, "As you can see, I have a bunch of small little bowls here, where I have already cut up some things that people put on pizzas. We have pepperoni, grated mozzarella cheese, green and red peppers, pineapple, mushrooms, lettuce, kale and a few other things. You can choose whatever you like to put on your pizza, Lori."

Lori now grows a curious look on her face as she inspects all the toppings.

"Do I put the toppings on before the cheese?" Lori asks.

"It's up to you, darling." Lena says.

"Personally, what I'm going to do, is put a few bits of toppings on my pizza, but not too many, and then put the cheese on top of them, before putting the rest of my toppings on afterwards. That way the pizza is a bit layered, instead of just having all the toppings on top of the cheese." Kara says.

"I want to do it that way!" Lori quickly says.

"Okay then. Go ahead." Kara smiles.

Kara and Lena then watch as Lori reaches into the bowl of pineapples, and takes some out and starts to put it on her pizza. Lori then moves onto grab some pepperonis too, and as she does this, Kara and Lena just start to make their own pizzas as well. Lori, for her part, puts pineapple and some pepperonis on her pizza first, before putting some mozzarella cheese, and then on top of all of that, putting some mushrooms, peppers, and kale, and more pepperonis. Lori truly has a bit of a loaded pizza. As for Lena, she keeps her pizza a bit simple, putting a few bits of pepperoni on first, before the cheese, and then finishing the pizza off with some kale and mushrooms. Then finally, Kara makes a pizza with pepperonis, peppers and cheese, keeping it very basic, and mixing the peppers and pepperonis, both on top and below the cheese.

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