Chapter 30

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Kara and Lena are now sitting in Lena's driver's car, holding hands, and being very close with each other, basically snuggled together. Over the last 30 minutes, the duo did have some ice cream together, and continued on with their date. However, the two did soon realise that they would need to head back to Lena's penthouse, as it wouldn't be fair on Alex for them to stay out any longer than they already have. Plus, it's already not really fair on Lori that Lena didn't get to put the young girl to sleep, even if she is in the amazing care of Alex. So, Kara and Lena are simply enjoying these last few private moments of their date, which they know is soon over. That said, both Kara and Lena know that this is just going to be the first of many dates to come.

Eventually, Lena's driver's car pulls up in front of Lena's penthouse, and after thanking her driver, Lena and Kara both get out of the car and walk inside Lena's penthouse building. The two walk through the lobby, holding hands, before soon getting into Lena's private elevator, which starts to take them up to the penthouse itself. As the elevator does this, Kara decides to take Lena in for another passionate kiss, pushing the brunette's back against the elevator doors, and kissing her with so much vigour. Kara is doing this because she knows it will likely be her last chance to kiss Lena this evening, as after this Alex will be there with them, and Kara doesn't really want to kiss Lena like this in front of her sister. Lena, of course, kisses Kara back with just as much passion, melting into the kiss, which is one of the best kisses she has ever had. Lena can literally feel her heart racing.

Soon though, the elevator doors open, causing Lena to fall backwards. Thankfully though, Kara catches Lena before the brunette hits the ground, before slowly pulling her up to her feet again, all while the two look each other in the eyes. This was actually a very thrilling moment for Lena, and her heart is beating even faster from this action from Kara, saving her from falling.

"Thank you." Lena says, now with a bit of a shy smile from how much that moment did kind of turn her on.

"Of course." Kara smiles back, with a nod of her head.

Kara and Lena then walk down the corridor, towards Lena's penthouse door, slightly holding hands the entire time. Eventually though, they do reach the door, where Lena has to free her hands from Kara to unlock the door. For Kara, this is a bit of a sad moment, because she knows that it's the official end to their first date. The only good thing of it, is Kara hopes that this will lead to many many more dates in the future.

Once Lena opens her front door, she and Kara step inside the penthouse, with the duo expecting to see Alex sitting there in the living room area, waiting for them to return home, but they don't. Alex is nowhere to be seen.

"Huh.... I wonder where Alex is." Kara says.

"I don't know. Maybe she's upstairs with Lori or something." Lena suggests.

Kara, unknown to Lena, now uses her superhearing, and she can now sense, from their heartbeats, that Alex and Lori are both upstairs in the same bedroom. At the same time, due to how slowly the hearts are beating, Kara can tell that both Alex and Lori are asleep.

"Let's go check." Kara says, unable to hide her smile.

Lena and Kara now head upstairs, and they soon enter Lori's bedroom where they find Alex and Lori laying on Lori's bed, snuggled next to each other, fast asleep. Lori has her head tucked into Alex's side, clearly feeling very safe, secure, and comfortable there. Both Lena and Kara grow very wide smiles on their faces upon seeing this.

"That's cute." Lena says, with a smile.

"Yeah." Kara replies, quietly, and gets out her phone, taking a picture of this moment, wanting to have proof of it for the future.

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