Chapter 14

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Over the next half an hour Kara, Lena and Lori continue to eat their Indian takeaway, with Kara and Lena getting Lori to try all sorts of different dishes. Admittedly, Lori is a lot more receptive to Kara trying to get her to try certain foods than Lena. Lena is pretty sure that is only because Lori doesn't want to say she dislikes the foods Kara is offering her, in fear of upsetting Kara or something. Or alternatively, Lena admits that it might just be that Kara's technique at getting Lori to try different foods is a lot different than her own. Ultimately though, while Lori did try all sorts of dishes, with sauces, and those without sauce, the one she settled on as the one she liked the most ended up being the chicken tikka, which is one of the plainer dishes. Lena isn't really that surprised by it, as out of all the Indian food, the chicken tikka is probably the closest to chicken nuggets, seeing as it's basically flavoured chicken chunks, just without the breadcrumbs. Along with the chicken tikka, Lori also happily eats a bunch of rice, and some more of the naan bread, really just being happy with all her food.

As for Kara and Lena, seeing as they both have slightly wider palettes, in terms of Indian food they like, they both fill themselves up on a large variety of dishes that Lena has ordered for them. For this order Lena did make sure to just stick with chicken-based dishes, as well as some potato ones, instead of trying any other meat like lamb or something, simply because Lena knows chicken is a very easy thing that Lori likes. However, even with just sticking with chicken, there was more than enough variety to make Kara and Lena very happy with all of the food. Lena mostly ate chicken masala, bombay potatoes, pilau rice, and some other chicken dishes which she dug into here and there. On Kara's side of things, she basically ate almost everything on the table, deciding not to hold back and pretend that she only has a human appetite or anything. This meant that Kara basically allowed Lena and Lori to eat whatever they wanted, always making sure not to eat the last of something, but overall, Kara did eat the greatest number of different dishes, both in terms of amount, and in terms of volume. Needless to say, by the time they finished with their meal, there really was not much left.

"Okay. Well, I see that we certainly ate most of this food." Lena says, once it looks like they have all finished eating.

Lena now looks across the table, and see sees only a little bit of naan bread left, about a tub of rice, although that is only because Lena ordered 4 tubs of rice, thinking 1 tub could feed 1 of them each, when in reality a single tub of rice probably could easily feed 4 people. Then, outside of the rice, there is just a little bit of chicken left in a few of the containers containing each dish. They really did eat a lot of the food.

"Sorry. I know I ate most of it." Kara says, with an unsure/guilty expression on her face. Kara just isn't sure if Lena is going to judge her for eating so much food, seeing as Lena still thinks she's human.

"No. You don't need to apologise, Kara." Lena says, "You told me that you are a big eater, and I ordered as so. I'm glad you had your full."

"Thank you." Kara smiles, "Although, I will admit, I could probably finish the rest of this off later, instead of bringing it home with me, or just throwing it away, unless you want it?"

"No. I'm not a big fan of eating leftover food like that. And Lori certainly should not eat anything more like this before she goes to bed tonight, so, by all means, please eat the rest." Lena says.

"But I want to eat like Kara!" Lori pouts.

Kara chuckles.

"Lori, you are only a little girl. You don't have a big stomach like me. It only makes sense you can't eat as much as me, or mommy. But that's okay." Kara smiles, then leans over to Lori to place a kiss on one of her cheeks.

Lori just smiles happily at Kara kissing her like that. Meanwhile, Lena has a smile of her own upon seeing Kara's interaction with Lori. Lena just loves the bond that Kara and Lori have, and actually just getting to see it in person, seeing as most of it Lena has missed because it's been Kara looking after Lori while she hasn't been around. It's nice to do something like this, the three of them.

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