Chapter 18

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"Kara?" Lori soon says, in a cute voice, as everyone begins eating.

"Yes, Lori?" Kara smiles, happily.

"Can you cut up my food for me?" Lori asks, with a cute pout on her face.

"Of course I can." Kara smiles.

Kara then leans over Lori's plate, using her own knife and fork, and begins to cut up all of Lori's food for her, particularly the turkey on the plate. Lori, for her part, just sits and happily watches Kara cut her food for her. After about a minute, Kara finishes cutting the food.

"There we go." Kara smiles, and places a kiss on Lori's cheek, before moving back to her own food.

Lori just smiles, very widely, at Kara giving her a kiss like that, the 3-year-old clearly, very much, approving of the affection she is receiving from Kara right now. Once more, this is another moment that both Alex and Eliza take note of, giving each other silent looks.

The group all then eat their thanksgiving dinner, having pleasant conversation with one another throughout. Eliza now questions Lena on some of the things that she is working on at L-Corp, the Danvers' matriarch being interested due to her scientific background, while Winn, Kara and Alex chat amongst themselves. Lori is just happy to look and listen to all the conversations, while eating her food.

"So, Lori." Eliza soon begins, with a warm smile, "Have you liked moving to National City so far?"

"Yes." Lori nods, "I like it, because I got to meet Kara!"

Kara smiles lovingly at Lori after the 3-year-old says that.

"Oh, that's nice." Eliza smiles.

"I miss grandma though." Lori says, "Grandma can't move out here yet."

"Oh." Eliza says.

"Yes, my mother has had some things in Metropolis which she is wrapping up, before she moves out here with us." Lena explains.

"Ah." Eliza nods, "I understand. But outside of that, have you liked living in National City, and seeing the city and everything."

Lena now grows a bit of an uncomfortable look on her face, because she knows that due to the fact she has been sheltering Lori, she young girl hasn't actually got to see much of the city.

"I don't really see any of the city." Lori admits, "Me and mommy just go to her work, or our home. I have come here too, and Kara and me went to the park, with Alex too!"

"I've been very hesitant to introduce Lori to the world, simply because I know that as soon as I walk around with her, photographers will picture me, and suddenly Lena Luthor having a daughter will be a headline." Lena explains.

"I understand that." Eliza nods, shooting Lena a sympathetic look on her face, "Did you enjoy going to the park with Kara and Alex, Lori?"

"Yes. We played together, and Alex taught me how to swing on the swings, all by myself! Then we saw some birds in the pond!" Lori explains, with a wide happy smile.

"Yes. Lori was a very clever girl, taking my directions, and learning how to use her legs to swing by herself." Alex says.

Lori shoots Alex a teethy smile at the redhead saying that to her.

"Well, that sounds really fun Lori." Eliza smiles, warmly.

"It was." Lori nods, with another smile.

The group all then continue to eat their thanksgiving dinner, talking amongst themselves, and Kara even has a little fun with Lori, and gets her to try a few bits of food that the 3-year-old was unsure about, including some vegetables. Lena does watch this moment between Kara and Lori with some awe, as she knows that the only reason Lori actually ate any of the food Kara offered her, was because it was Kara doing the offering. Lena is pretty sure Lori would have put on a pout if she tried to get her to eat that food, and then turned her head away.

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