Chapter 2

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Lena and Lori are both currently sitting in Lena's office. After the craziness of the last few days, with Lex trying to kill her and everything, Lena just wants some quiet, although, Lena's version of quiet is different to everyone else's. Lena would just be happy if all her attention remains on L-Corp, and not any other drama. But Lena is hopeful now that the Lex situation has been sorted, and she has been assured that her brother has had all of his 'privileges' taken away, so he will no longer be able to communicate with anyone from the outside world. So, no assassins for hire should be popping up anymore, and Lena is extremely happy about that. Although, Lena isn't happy that her life is no longer in immediate danger, but more so because as a result of that, Lori is not in danger by being close to her. Lena has taken great strides to make sure that Lex has remained completely unaware about her daughter. Lex being in prison has very much helped that. But also what has helped that, and helped Lena keep her daughter a secret in general has been Lillian.

Lena remembers that when she found out she was pregnant, due to a one-night stand, she was scared. The one-night stand wasn't how it may look to some. It was actually a date, a proper first date, which Lena had been on, and it was with someone she was friendly with beforehand, Jack. So, for them, their first date was different to everyone else's first dates, as they knew each other pretty well, and by that point they had been hiding their feelings from each other for a while, not wanting to risk their friendship. But, when they did finally confess everything to each other, they went on their first date, and they had a magical night that concluded with the two of them sleeping together. After that, Lena and Jack both got very busy with their respected jobs, and educations, so they didn't see each other much, and but they kept texting and everything, and Lena was really hopeful that she and Jack were going to be something special. However, Lena eventually found out she was pregnant, and knew that Jack was the father, as she hadn't slept with anyone else. So, Lena told Jack, and he absolutely freaked out. Jack freaked out that he wasn't ready to be a father, and he just panicked, and ultimately ran. He ran all the way back to England, and Lena was heartbroken. At the time, Lena hadn't even been considering whether she was going to keep the baby or not, but she knew that with her family, it would be hard, and she'd hoped at least the child would have a good father in Jack. But that didn't seem to be the case. However, when Jack ran and freaked out, it actually had the opposite effect on Lena to what some may think. Lena wanted the baby more after that.

For the next few weeks things were difficult for Lena, but she just tried to bury herself in work, and keep her mind off the pregnancy, and Jack's reaction. However, much to Lena's surprise, after two weeks of Jack freaking out, she got a phone call from him. In the phone call Jack completely changed his mind. He told Lena that he was sorry for freaking out and running, and told her while he is not ready to be a dad, if she decides to keep the baby, he will be there, both for her and the child, and he will just learn how to be a dad. Lena was really happy to hear this, even though it didn't fix how Lena felt hurt from Jack running. But Jack did tell her he was coming back to Metropolis. However, Jack never arrived in Metropolis, and not because he changed his mind. Jack had told his parents about the pregnancy, and as a result, his parents wanted to come to Metropolis to see Lena, and seeing as they were very rich, they booked a private jet. That private jet though ended up being their doom. Somewhere, in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the private jet went down. The pilot did send out a mayday call, but by the time anyone could get to their location the plane was lost in the ocean. For a month after that there was a search and rescue effort to find the plane wreckage, and any bodies. However, the only body that was found was the pilots, and that was only because his body was found inside the plane wreckage. Jack, and his two parents, were declared dead a month after the plane went down.

At this point, Lena was absolutely devastated. Lena was devastated that her child, if she was going to have it, would only have her, as the child would not have a father, or any grandparents, as Lillian would definitely not want anything to do with her. It was at this point, when Lena was in her lowest moment, that she did finally consider having an abortion. However, that is when the most surprising thing that Lena has ever witnessed happened. One day Lillian came to see Lena, most likely to make some horrible comment about Jack's death, who Lillian never liked. But when Lillian saw Lena, she took one look at her adopted daughter and she could tell that there was something wrong with her, beyond Jack's death. So, Lillian probed, as she was known to do, but in a much more gentle way than usual, and after a while, Lena broke down, and she told Lillian everything about her pregnancy. After that, Lena expected Lillian to be cruel, and tell her to get the abortion, but Lillian was the complete opposite. Lillian told Lena that she should not get rid of the child. She told her that she should raise the child, and give it all the love in the world, and at the same time, she promised to be there for Lena, every step of the way. She told Lena if she had the abortion, she knew her, and she knew she'd regret it for the rest of her life.

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