Chapter 46

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Kara now feels a really bad feeling in her stomach, as this is not the way she wanted Lena to find out she's Supergirl. Kara wanted the chance to tell her, in person, not her girlfriend to find it out from someone else. Kara is feeling so many differing emotions right now, and various thoughts are going through her head. However, Kara can't really think about them or act on them right now because Lori is still in her arms, hugging her. So, Kara just continues to cuddle with Lori, while watching Lena grow a surprised look on her face, which soon turns to one with hints of annoyance on it too. Kara gets a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach at seeing Lena annoyed like that.

"I've missed you, Kara." Lori says, as she continues to snuggle with the blonde, "I haven't seen you in too long...."

Kara now refocuses on Lori, deciding there is nothing she can do about Lena right now, so she might as well make the most of this little moment with the 3-year-old, who she loves oh so much.

"It's only been a few days, Lori." Kara says.

"That's too long." Lori says, snuggling further into Kara's embrace, "I've missed you."

"I've missed you too, baby. But I'm here now." Kara says.

"Yeah...." Lori says, happily, and now rests her head on one of Kara's shoulders.

Kara and Lori continue to hug for a good couple of minutes, eventually though Kara's eyes can't help but be drawn to Lena, who still has a bit of an annoyed look on her face. So, Kara knows that this hugging moment with Lori has to come to an end.

"Okay, Lori." Kara says, as she pulls Lori back from her embrace and places her on the ground, "Mommy and I need to talk now, about some grown up stuff. Why don't you go play in your playroom for a little while?"

Lori now goes from looking up at Kara, to looking up at Lena, with the brunette CEO forcing a smile on her face as soon as her daughter looks at her.

"Go darling. I'll come get you when we are finished." Lena says.

"Okay." Lori nods, a few moments later, "Love you, mommy. Love you, Kara."

"Love you too, Lori." Kara says.

Kara and Lena now watch Lori walk back into the office, and soon return to her playroom, leaving the two of them out on the balcony, ready to talk about the secret which has just been revealed. Kara for her part just bites the inside of her lip, wanting to say a thousand things right now, but Kara knows she has to let Lena start.

"You're..... Supergirl....." Lena finally says, after several moments of silence, with Kara's heart beating rapidly the entire time.

"Yeah....." Kara nods, not having much more to say, and add to that.

There is now another moments silence, which continues to make Kara very nervous. There are so many things Kara wants to say right now, and tell Lena, to reassure her, and just to open up her heart to her girlfriend, in a desperate attempt not to lose Lena or Lori from her life. Kara wants her future to be with Lena and Lori. Kara wants to build a life, and family, with Lena and Lori, she doesn't want that all taken away just because of her stupid secret. But, once more, Kara knows she has to let Lena set the pace, so she waits.

"Were you ever going to tell me?" Lena finally asks, after another 30 seconds of silence.

"Yes!" Kara says, "Of course I was! What do you think I've been wanting to speak to you about for a while now?"

"But...... why only just now have you made that decision to tell me?" Lena asks, "I know we have only been on a single date, but before that we were..... friends..... we bonded.... Mostly over you looking after Lori. So, what has changed? Why are you saying you were going to tell me?"

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