Chapter 58

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"Oh Lori, what's the matter?" Kara quickly says, rushing to the 3-year-old's bed, and sitting on it next to Lori.

"My tummy really really hurts." Lori says, now holding her hands against her stomach, as some people do when they have some really bad stomach pains.

"Okay." Kara nods.

Kara now reaches her hand out and places it on Lori's forehead, wanting to check her temperature. Right away Kara can tell that Lori does in fact have a fever, which immediately makes Kara feel awful, as it suggests that Lori has now caught whatever Lena has had. This is literally the last thing in the world Kara wants to happen. Kara would rather she be sick than Lori. However, Kara now knows she's got to step up even more, as Lena is clearly in no state to take care of Lori, so Kara will simply have to take care of both Lori and Lena, and give them all the support and care that they need, and deserve. Then, at the end of the day, for some people, they may not like the idea of being in a new relationship and having to take care of their new girlfriend, and her child, but Kara does not mind one single bit. Kara already sees Lori and Lena as being her future family, Kara knows this is it for her. Kara could never imagine having any other family beyond this, outside of Lena and Lori, other than perhaps adding a member to this family, so Kara wants to take care of Lori and Lena, as that is what family does for one another. Family takes care of each other, all the time, and especially when one of the family members is sick.

"You have a fever, Lori." Kara says, in a soft voice, "I think you probably have what mommy has."

Lori now grows an upset look on her face as Kara says that, all while she continues to hold her hands against her stomach.

"Am I.... going to be sick.... like mommy?" Lori asks, in a clearly frightened voice.

Kara hesitates to answer for a moment, as a part of her wants to reassure Lori, and tell her that she won't be, but the truth of the matter is that Kara doesn't know.

"I don't know, Lori." Kara says, "I hope not, but I don't know for sure. But, I'm going to stay with you the entire time, and look after you. If you do get sick, we will deal with that together. Alright?"

Lori simply nods her head, and then groans in pain as she continues to hold her stomach.

"Okay Lori, you stay here, I'll be back in literally less than a minute. I'm going to go tell mommy that you are sick, so she doesn't worry and wonder where we have gotten to. Then, after that, I'll come back in here and stay with you, for however long it takes." Kara says.

"What.... about dinner...... I still want..... chicken nuggies...." Lori says.

"Lori, if you are going to be sick, you can't have anything to eat, as you'll just throw it right back up. And that would be a real waste of chicken nuggies, wouldn't it?" Kara says.

"O...kay...." Lori says, after a moments silence.

"Okay." Kara says back to the young girl, and places a kiss on her forehead, "I'll be back in literally a minute. If you need me, just say my name, and I'll hear you with my super hearing and come rushing in to help you."

Lori now just nods her head, while also groaning again as she holds her stomach. Kara, for her part, just shoots Lori another sympathetic look before getting up off the bed and then using her super speed to speed back into Lena's bedroom, wanting to be as quick as possible, and knowing that her super speed will save her some valuable seconds so she is away from Lori as short a time as possible.

"Kara?" Lena says, in a bit of a confused voice, as she notices Kara speed back into her bedroom, "Where.... where's Lori?"

"Lori is suddenly feeling sick now too." Kara replies, not wanting to sugarcoat anything, "When I went into her room she was laying on her bed, and as she turned over and looked at me, I could see she looked awful. She'd lost all the color from her face, and told me she feels sick and her stomach hurts. She also has a temperature right now."

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