Chapter 76

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Over the last 20 minutes, Kara, Lena, Lori and Alex have all had a good time chatting with each other, and eating their lunch. Lori, for her part, has decided to sit on the couch right in the middle of Alex and Kara, snuggling up to each of them at various different moments. Lena, has, of course, noticed this, and just been so happy on the inside. Lena loves that Lori is like this now, and so affectionate with both Kara and Alex. It's truly amazing how far Lori has come in these last couple of months, ever since the young girl met Kara. Back then, Lori was this little shy girl, who Lena really hadn't exposed much to the world, and therefore other people. Now though, even though Lori still hasn't been largely exposed to the world, she has been exposed to more people, including Kara and Alex, and because of that, Lori has truly come out of her shell. Lori may still be shy when it comes to meeting stranger, but she is certainly completely and utterly comfortable with Kara, Alex, and even Eliza. This is opposite of how Lori had known Jess for a few years, and still acts a bit shy and timid around her. Either way, Lena is just really happy with all of this progression in Lori's growth as a young girl. Lena knew when she first found out she was pregnant, that she would have to protect her daughter, both from the press, and from Lex, and therefore would have to shelter her a little bit. However, Lena never wanted to do it so much that Lori would become a reclose, and not be able to connect or open up with other people. So, Lena is thankful that Kara came into their lives and has really helped with that. Lena is truly over the moon about this.

"Uhmmmm...... Lori, why don't you and I go play in your playroom for a little while, before I have to leave?" Kara eventually suggests, as she now realises that even though she and Alex have been talking with Lena and Lori for a little while now, Alex still hasn't had a chance to talk to Lena about being a parent. Then, Kara thinks it might be best for Alex to do this where Lori can't overhear anything.

"Why? Can't we just play here?" Lori asks, with a bit of a pout.

"I mean...... mommy and Alex need to talk about some boring grown-up things. Do you really want to listen to that when we could just be playing in your nice playroom?" Kara quickly says, hoping that Lori doesn't put up a fight about this.

"Oh.... yeah.... okay." Lori nods, "I don't want to listen to boring grown-up stuff."

Alex, Kara and Lena all chuckle at Lori saying that.

"Alright, come on then Lori. Let's go play in your playroom." Kara says, with a smile, standing up from the couch, and now holding out her hand.

"Okay, momma." Lori smiles, happily, and then takes Kara's hand as she gets off up of the couch.

Kara and Lori now smile happily as they walk into the playroom attached to Lena's office, with Kara closing the door behind them, giving Lena and Alex space to talk, without having to fear about being overheard. For Alex and Lena's part, the two women have just watched Kara and Lori walk into the playroom, with them having smiles on their faces too, seeing how good Kara and Lori are together.

"Okay, Alex, I am happy to answer any questions you have about being a parent, but in all honesty, it's really just something that you learn on the go. I 100% did not feel prepared to be a parent when I got pregnant with Lori, but I managed to figure things out. Of course, I read a bunch of books on parenting and things along the way." Lena explains.

"Yeah, I know a lot of parents just figure it out as they go, but this is going to be a little bit different for me. I'm going to adopt a child, so they basically will have to evaluate me on my parenting potential beforehand, meaning that I kind of need to know stuff about being a parent before I have the child, rather than being able to figure it out as I go." Alex says.

"Hmm..... Yes. I guess that is a fair enough point." Lena hums, "I don't really know where to begin, so ask away. Although, I think at this point, as you can see, Kara might be able to answer some of your questions about being a parent, as she has been a pretty good one to Lori."

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