Chapter 44

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Lena's eyes now widen, as she realised what has just happened, Ellie, the girl Lillian told her about. The girl Lillian had her first sexual encounter with at camp, when she was a teenager, who Lillian then ignored, is Eliza, Kara's adoptive mom, her girlfriend's mom!

"No......." Lena says.

"What.... what is going on?" Alex asks, in a confused voice.

"Yeah, and who is Ellie?" Kara asks, just as confused as her sister.

Lillian now stands up from her chair, still with wide eyes, and begins to walk over towards Eliza. Eliza, for her part, just remains in her place, still clearly very surprised by what is happening. Eventually, Lillian stops about 2 feet away from Eliza.

"I..... I don't...... I........." Lillian says, and then finally looks Eliza in the eyes, and that is when Lillian realises the only words she needs to say to Eliza, this girl, now woman, who she hurt all those years ago by ignoring her messages she sent her, "I'm sorry."

Eliza now just looks at Lillian, the woman who broke her heart all those years ago, multiple decades ago at this point. A part of Eliza is still very much angry at Lilly, Lillian, but another part knows that all that happened a very long time ago, and since then, she fell in love with another, Jeremiah, and had an entire family with him, and is even a widow now. So, Eliza doesn't think she can hold onto that anger, anger that she didn't even realise she had all this time, until she just saw Lillian again moments ago, anger that she must have been carrying, deep down, for all these years.

"That...... was a long time ago." Eliza eventually says, "It doesn't matter now."

Eliza now turns away from Lillian and looks at Kara and Alex, who both have confused looks on their faces. Eliza now approaches her two daughters though.

"I better go now, and let you all get back to National City. Text me when you are both home safe, okay?" Eliza says.

"I uhhh.... okay...." Alex nods, still in a confused voice, "But, what is.... how do you know Lena's mom?"

"It doesn't matter. That's something for another day." Eliza says.

Alex now looks at her mom, and she can tell that her mom really just doesn't want to speak about it, and seeing as they are in front of so many people right now, Alex respects Eliza's wishes, for now. This is certainly something Alex will want to know about later.

"Okay." Alex says, and now takes Eliza in for a hug, "I love you mom."

"I love you too, sweetie. You be safe in National City, and call me more often." Eliza says.

"I will mom." Alex says, with a chuckle.

A few moments later, Eliza and Alex part from their hug, and Eliza turns her attention to her other daughter, Kara, who also has a confused look on her face. For Kara, this situation is even more confusing than it is for Alex, because somehow Lena's mom, her girlfriend's mom, knows Eliza, who must be Ellie, and Eliza knows Lillian. Then to top it all off, Lena, by the sounds of things, knows about it too. Kara is very confused right now. However, just like Alex, Kara can tell that Eliza really doesn't want to talk about it now, so she won't press the matter either.

"Come here, sweetie." Eliza says to Kara, opening her arms.

Kara now moves into Eliza's arms, and takes her adoptive mom in for a hug.

"I've really had a good time with all of you here in Midvale. You be safe in National City, okay." Eliza says, whispering this next part in Kara's ear, "And remember what we talked about, okay?"

"Okay, Eliza." Kara smiles, as she and Eliza part from their hug.

"Text me when you are home." Eliza says.

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