Chapter 15

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It is now Tuesday lunchtime, and Kara is just arriving at L-Corp to have another lunch with Lena and Lori. Since the last time Kara saw Lena and Lori on Friday evening, she has truly been missing them, which has become a common thing now. However, at the same time, Kara has also constantly been thinking about Lena. More specifically, Kara has been thinking about her kisses with Lena, and what they potentially mean and everything, as they haven't really directly talked about them, or put a label on things. Frankly, Kara doesn't even know what to say about Lena. Of course, there is a part of Kara that wants to kiss Lena a lot more times, and do all sorts of other stuff with her, but these thoughts are not something Kara has that much experience with. Yes, Kara has dated other people before, and had sex with humans, and kissed them and everything, including breaking a few noses here and there, but she has never wanted anything serious. Kara honestly has never even thought much about a long-term relationship, or a more serious one, which Kara knows is what it would be if she were to become a thing with Lena. Not only would Kara think this because she truly does think the world of Lena, from what she has seen of her so far, and can see how easily it would be to fall completely in love with her, and just live happily. Kara also knows that any potential relationship with Lena would have to be considered rather serious from the get go, because of Lori. Kara knows that Lena, as is the case with any single mother, can't just introduce someone they are dating to their young child's life, as there is the possibility that they could break up, and the child gets hurt, as they become a part of the relationship too, even if they were never meant to be. However, Kara is already past that phase with Lena and Lori, she is already involved in Lori's life, and truly loves her to bits, so Lori would already have a stake in a potential relationship between herself and Lena. These thoughts are all on top of the fact that Kara has never even been in a relationship with a woman. Kara hasn't even looked at a woman this sort of way or anything before. This isn't because Kara is just discovering her sexuality or anything, like Alex, but because on Krypton the genders of relationships meant nothing, due to the matrix being the birthing method, rather than sex like here on earth. Up until now, Kara has just never found a woman intriguing and beautiful enough, to actually want to date them.

Kara soon makes her way up to Lena's floor, where she gives a smile and wave to Jess, who simply waves Kara into Lena's office, the assistant knowing full well that Kara is allowed to just walk into Lena's office whenever she likes. So, Kara soon opens Lena's office door, and moments later she is met by the sound of a familiar voice.

"KARA!!!!" Lori says.

Lori comes running over towards Kara, and jumps up into her arms, with Kara holding Lori tight to her chest in response.

"Hello, Lori." Kara smiles, happily, and places a kiss on one of Lori's cheeks.

"I swear Lori, one of these days you are going to do that and get yourself hurt." Lena says, as she now stands up from her desk and walks over to Kara.

"Nooo." Lori says, shaking her head, "Kara is really strong. She wouldn't drop me."

Kara's stomach does a little flip at Lori saying this to Lena, because she realises that Lori just said something close to the truth, because she is really strong, due to being Supergirl. However, Kara is pretty sure Lori isn't saying it because of that.

"Yes, I would never drop you, Lori." Kara smiles, and gives Lori another squeeze-hug as she still holds her to her chest.

Lori giggles happily at Kara saying and doing that, with the blonde placing Lori back on the ground a few moments later.

"Hi, Kara." Lena now smiles, and takes Kara in for a hug.

"Hey." Kara smiles, and gives Lena a hug back, even though a large part of her just wants to kiss Lena right now, but Kara knows she can't do that.

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