Chapter 21

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Kara, Lena, Lori and Eliza all make their way towards Lena's car, which is parked right out front of Kara's apartment building. Lori is still holding Eliza's hand as they walk towards the car, which has caused both Kara and Lena to have smiles on their faces, happy to see how much Lori has taken to Eliza, and how much Eliza is taken with Lori too. Due to Lori and Eliza holding hands, and walking in front of Kara and Lena, it does allow Kara and Lena to both slightly touch hands against one another as they walk side by side, giving off a hint of wanting to hold each other's hands, even though they know they can't, because if Lori sees that she may have a lot of questions.

"Can I sit in back with 'liza please?" Lori asks, cutely, as she looks back at Lena and Kara, once they have arrived at Lena's car.

"That's up to Eliza, darling." Lena says, with a loving smile.

Lori now turns and looks up at Eliza, all while still holding her hand.

"Can you sit in the back with me, 'liza. Please?" Lori asks, in a cute voice.

"Of course I can, honey." Eliza says, with her own loving smile.

Lori just smiles very widely at Eliza agreeing to that.

The group all then get in the car, with Eliza helping Lori get into her car seat, before getting into the back of the car and sitting next to Lori. Lena is the one who takes her seat in the driver's seat, while Kara rides shotgun next to the brunette.

"Okay. Are we all ready to go?" Lena asks, once she turns the engine on.

"I think so." Kara nods.

"Yeah. We are all good back here. Right Lori?" Eliza says, as she looks at the 3-year-old.

"Right." Lori nods, cutely, again.

"Okay." Lena says, with a bit of a chuckle in her voice, "It's going to be about a half an hour drive to the petting zoo, depending on traffic."

Lena then begins driving the car, and over the next half an hour the foursome listen to some music on the radio, while also chatting with one another about various things. Eliza spends her time talking to Lena about some scientific things which go over Kara and Lori's heads, but while they do that Kara just turns back to look at Lori, and pulls funny faces at the 3-year-old, making her giggle. Soon though, once Eliza and Lena finish talking, the Danvers matriarch starts up a conversation with Lori, asking her a bunch of questions, clearly in an effort to get to know, and understand, this little girl better. While Eliza does this with Lori, Kara and Lena don't really talk with one another. They are both just happy to glance at each other every now and again, and shoot happy smiles at one another. Kara and Lena know this isn't a bad thing. It is a good sign for a relationship when you can be completely comfortable just being in the presence of another person, and not feeling like you have to say anything.

The group all soon arrive at the petting zoo, with Lena pulling up into the parking lot at the front of the place. As they pull up, Kara can see that there are enough spaces in the car park for at least 100 cars to be there, but there are only about 5 other cars there right now, all of whom are likely the employee's cars.

"Wow.... when you said you booked a petting zoo.... I thought maybe you'd just booked a private tour.... So we'd be going backstage..... Not this." Kara says, as she looks around at the emptiness of the car park.

"Oh, yeah.... Well, places like this usually have days that they reserve to be booked out completely by a private individual, or a company. As this is a relatively small business, I was able to do it, by, of course, paying a decent amount of money. However, for anything larger than this, like Disneyland or something, I doubt there is any amount of money that I could pay that would make them close it for a day just so me, and the people I bring with me, can go inside the park by ourselves." Lena explains.

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