Chapter 26

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Kara and Lena stay snuggled up on the couch for a good while, with the blonde continuing to comfort the brunette mother. Lena does eventually stop crying, but she and Kara don't end their hug, they are just happy to be like this, which is nice. Both Kara and Lena think about how they might be onto something truly special, as they haven't even been on a date or anything yet, and they are so comfortable being like this with each other. Lena feels so comfortable in Kara's arms, and it's truly so nice to have someone that she trusts, and can just relax with, and feel cared for by in this way. Of course, Lena did, sort of, have this with Jack, before he died, and before Lori was born, but it didn't feel like this. This feel so much better. This just truly feels right. Then, as for Kara's side of things, the blonde superhero feels really at home here with Lena, and Lori. Kara can honestly picture, in her mind, the idea of her, Lena and Lori being a family one day, and it makes Kara happy. Kara knows not to get carried away or anything, but she really can't help it. Lori already has a hold of Kara's heart that she couldn't break even if she wanted to, and Kara certainly doesn't want to. Ultimately, the prospect of all this is so nice for Kara. Throughout Kara's life, she has lost so much. Kara literally lost her entire world, which meant her father and mother both died, sending her away. Then, even though Kara did survive the explosion of Krypton, her purpose of landing on Earth was to look after her baby cousin. However, due to being trapped in the phantom zone, Kara lost that chance too, with Clark growing up and being a full grown man by the time she landed on Earth. Then, even after all that, while Kara did gain a new family, who she loves, in Eliza, Alex and Jeremiah, she soon even lost Jeremiah too. So, right now, as Kara cuddles Lena, and thinks about what could potentially be with Lena and Lori, she feels so happy. Kara feels like she might actually be gaining something, rather than losing something like she normally has. However, with these thoughts though, does come a thought that worries Kara, the fact she hasn't told Lena she is Supergirl yet. Kara knows the reasons for not telling Lena, that she has in her head, with her not wanting Lena to have to keep it from Lori, but ultimately, Kara is much more afraid of not telling Lena, and by the time she does tell Lena it's too late, and it upsets the brunette that she has kept it from her for so long. Kara thinks that maybe Lena won't have to keep it a secret from Lori, and they can figure out some way to make it clear to Lori that she can't ever tell anyone or anything.

"Lena, I need to tell you....." Kara begins, looking Lena in the eyes, once the two part from their hug.

"I WANT TO JOIN!" A voice suddenly says, cutting Kara off.

Kara and Lena now look in the direction of the voice, and they see that Lori is now coming running from the direction that the stairs in the penthouse are, and is now coming towards them. Clearly Lori woke up, and has come downstairs and seen Kara and Lena hugging, and wants to join the hug too. Kara knows her reveal will just have to wait a little while longer.

A few moments later, Lori reaches Kara and Lena on the couch, and jumps in the middle of the two of them, with Kara and Lena parting. The young girl reaches out and tugs Kara and Lena towards her again. Kara and Lena can't help but smile, with them both initiating another hug, this time with Lori in the middle, like a sandwich. Lori, for her part, just has a permanent smile on her face, with her holding onto Kara and Lena's shirts.

The trio continue to hug each other for a couple of minutes, with none of them really making much of an attempt to pull apart from each other. Kara, Lena and Lori are really just enjoying this lovely moment that the three of them get to share between one another. Eventually though, the moment does end, with Kara and Lena pulling back from the hug, and Lori ending up sitting comfortably between the two of them.

"Love you, mommy. Love you, Kara." Lori says, as she looks between Kara and Lena.

"I love you too, my darling." Lena says, with a loving look on her face, stroking some of the hair out of Lori's eyes.

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