Chapter 34

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Kara and Alex soon follow Eliza and Lori into the house, and they are instantly hit with the smell of delicious food. Kara and Alex can't wait to have a lovely meal that their mom has cooked for them. Eliza has always been a good cook, a skill that neither Alex, or certainly Kara, has ever managed to achieve. Alex, for her part, can just be considered a decent cook, while Kara is just all over the place. Some more basic meals Kara is good at cooking, but anything more advanced Kara is just as likely to set the food in flames, as she is to cook it to perfection. A chef is certainly a career opportunity that has never been possible for Kara.

"Hmmm..... That smells good, mom. What are we having?" Alex says, as they walk into the living room, with Eliza sitting down on one of the couches, and placing a still dozing Lori in her lap.

"We are having roast chicken breast, with roast potatoes, roast parsnips, vegetables, and gravy." Eliza explains, "I didn't want to do any other different roast because turkey and beef tend to take longer, and beef isn't as nice cold as colder chicken. Thankfully, you girls arrived just in time. It should be ready in the next couple of minutes."

"That's good. I'm starving." Kara says.

"You're always starving, sweetie." Eliza replies, with a smile.

Alex chuckles at that.

Kara and Alex now watch as Eliza looks down at Lori with a loving smile on her face. Right now, Lori is only just opening her eyes, clearly waking up from her nap in the car.

"Hello, sweetie." Eliza says, "Are you tired?"

Lori simply nods her head at Eliza asking her that.

"Oh, well, if you want, you can go to bed after we've all had our dinner?" Eliza suggests, "I was very excited when Kara told me you'd be visiting this weekend. I made up the guest room just for you."

In response to this, Lori just smiles at Eliza, and then affectionately rests her head on the Danvers matriarch's shoulder.

"Awww, isn't that a cute sight." Alex says, with a smile.

"Indeed." Eliza nods.

The foursome then remain like this for the next few minutes, with the adults all just looking at Lori slowly continue to wake up a bit. Soon though, this time ends when the sound of the oven alarm going off can be heard.

"That's our dinner." Eliza says.

"I'll take Lori." Kara says, moving close to Eliza.

"Okay, honey." Eliza smiles, and places a kiss on one of Lori's cheeks, before handing her off to Kara.

"I'll help you in the kitchen, mom." Alex says.

"Sure. Thank you, Alex." Eliza says.

Eliza and Alex now make their way into the kitchen, leaving Kara and Lori alone in the living room.

"Hey, Lori, you need to wake up a bit more now, we are going to be having our yummy dinner that Eliza cooked us." Kara says.

"Okay." Lori nods, cutely, as she relaxes into Kara's lap and starts to rub her eyes.

Kara, for her part, just decides to gently rub one of Lori's cheeks, with the back of her fingers, thinking that hopefully it will wake Lori up a bit more, while also just coming off as being affectionate. At the same time as Kara does this, she can't help but look down at Lori and think about how much she loves this 3-year-old. Kara knows that both Lena and Lori have totally captured her heart, but in completely different ways. Kara's love for Lori is complete, and unbreakable. In brief moments, Kara does think about the possibility of she, Lena and Lori all being a nice little family together, and her becoming Lori's other mommy, and Kara would absolutely be thrilled by that prospect, even if she knows that is a long way off yet. Either way, thinking about how much she loves this little girl, just makes Kara so happy, and she is even more happy that Lena actually agreed to take Lori up to Midvale with her this weekend, and trusts her enough to look after the 3-year-old. Kara does recognise how much of a big deal that must be for Lena to allow her to do all this.

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