Chapter 47

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Since leaving L-Corp, and being absolutely devastated about Lena's reaction to finding out that she is Supergirl, all Kara has done is gone home, curled up into a ball, and cried. Kara is utterly destroyed right now, and of course all her worst thoughts and feelings about what might happen are drifting into her head, and that is making things ten times worse. Kara loves Lori, so much, and she really can't imagine living her life knowing that Lori is somewhere out there, and she can't ever interact with her again. Then, at the same time, Kara might not be there yet with Lena, in regards to the love front, as they have only been on a single date, and only been friends for a few months, but that doesn't mean Kara doesn't know that Lena is the perfect person for her, her perfect partner at game night. The person Kara is confident she would love to spend the rest of her life with. So, the thought that neither of those things may happen now, has utterly wrecked Kara.

As Kara has continued to cry, various other scenarios have also run through her head. Kara has thought about what she could have done differently, and tried to figure out how Lena's reaction could have been lessened if she found a way to tell the brunette sooner. Then Kara can't help but think about what she could have done to make sure Lori didn't accidentally reveal her secret to Lena like she did, if maybe she needed to act a different way or something. It's all just a confusing emotional mess for Kara, and none of her thoughts are leading her to anywhere good. All Kara feels is utter sadness and despair, and the worst part of it, is she knows there is nothing she can do about it now. Kara knows that the only thing that can help her, is Lena does eventually end up being okay with Kara still being apart of her and Lori's lives, and that is a decision Lena has to make on her own. Of course, Kara could go over to Lena's and plead her case, to try and convince Lena, but she doesn't think that would end up going to well, as she doesn't want to feel like she is pressuring Lena into anything. For now, Kara has to just wait and see what Lena's decision is ultimately going to be, and she has no idea if and when that decision is ever going to happen, which utterly sucks.

About 2 hours after returning home, curling up into a ball, and crying, Kara's apartment door is finally opened. Usually Kara would hear a person approaching her apartment door before it even was opened, but not this time. Kara is far to upset to focus in on anything else, other than her emotions. Thankfully, this time, instead of it being some intruder who has tracked down Supergirl and is going to take her out in a moment of vulnerability, it is just Kara's sister, Alex. Alex, who sometimes just opens up Kara's apartment door with her own key, rather than doing the normal thing that most siblings would do, and knock before trying to open the door yourself. However, this time it is certainly a good thing that Alex did just this, as Kara probably wouldn't have answered the door if Alex just knocked. Kara would have probably just ignored it.

"Kara?" Alex calls out, in a bit of a confused voice.

Kara just sniffles on the couch. From where Alex is standing Kara is completely obscured from view of the redhead. So, Alex doesn't find out where Kara is until she hears her sister sniffle.

"Kara?" Alex asks, and swiftly rushes to Kara's side, "What's the matter?"

Kara just continues to sniffle and cry a little bit, while Alex takes a seat on the couch next to her sister, placing a caring hand on Kara's back to comfort her.

"Kara, please tell me what happened." Alex says, "I've been trying to text you, but you haven't been responding to my texts for the last hour and a bit. I was worried."

Kara continues to cry a little bit, but eventually she does sit up on the couch, with Alex giving her sister a little bit of space, not wanting to overwhelm her. Kara now takes a few moments to try and compose herself, using her hands to wipe and rub her eyes to clear her vision of the many tears that have been falling.

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