Chapter 43

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Kara now wakes up, and as she does, she feels Lori snuggled right up on her chest, still fast asleep. It truly puts a very large smile on Kara's face. Kara loves this. Kara loves Lori so much, it's hard to put into words. The young girl is just so cute and perfect, and has an incredible ability to steal everyone's hearts, as she has done with hers, Alex's, and Eliza's. Honestly, if you were to tell Kara a few months ago that she would even consider the possibility of being a sort of mom to a child, she would have told you that is ridiculous, because her duties as Supergirl really do not make it easy to have a life where she could be looking after a young child, especially now, where she has only been Supergirl for just over a year and a bit. However, things have changed. Kara now would do absolutely anything for this little girl who is snuggled to her chest. Kara would give up being Supergirl if that what it took to keep her safe, and look after her. Kara would die for Lori. Kara loves her that much. At the same time though, Kara knows that she and Lena's relationship is still very new, and while she has bonded with Lori lots, she hasn't had the same amount of intimacy with Lena, so they are not near a stage where they could be a family or anything, meaning moments like these, where Kara is waking up with Lori on her chest, are going to be very very rare. So, Kara really is just taking in this moment, and enjoying it while she can, because she doesn't know when she will get to do something like this next. Then, at the same time, a thought does cross Kara's mind that maybe she won't ever get to do something like this again with Lori. This is because Kara is planning to tell Lena she is Supergirl when they return to National City, and due to that, there is the possibility that Lena might be upset by her being Supergirl, either just because she is Supergirl, or because she didn't tell her soon. That could then very well result in Kara no longer being a part of Lori's life, and Lori no longer being part of hers, so moments like this will never happen. Kara hates to think of that prospect, as it would truly break her heart, into so many pieces, but she can't lie to herself and pretend it isn't a possibility.

Kara now continues to lay there with Lori for the next half an hour, enjoying having Lori sleep on her chest like this, while holding her close. Kara would happily lay here for hours and hours on end if Lori were to sleep that long. However, soon enough, Lori does begin to wake up, moving her head a little bit, before smacking her lips, opening her eyes, then looking up at Kara, green eyes meeting blue ones. Kara grows a wide smile on her face as soon as she looks into Lori's sleepy eyes.

"Morning, baby, did you sleep well?" Kara asks, with a smile.

Lori smacks her lips a little bit.

"Yeah." Lori replies, and then repositions her head to lay back down, sideways, on Kara's chest.

Kara lets out a little chuckle at Lori doing that, while also wrapping her arms around Lori's body.

"That's good." Kara says, now leaning her head down to place a kiss on the top of Lori's head.

Kara and Lori now continue to lay like this for a few minutes, simply snuggling together, not saying anything to one another, just enjoying being with each other like this. Soon though, Lori does look back up at Kara again, this time with a bit of a confused look on her face.

"I.... thought I was with the puppies." Lori says, confused, now realising she fell asleep snuggling the puppies last night, and has now woken up in bed with Kara.

"Yes, you were." Kara says, "Last night I woke up, and you scared the life out of me, not finding you in bed with me. But, I went downstairs, and I found you snuggled up with all the puppies, fast asleep. It was a very cute sight, which I took a photo of, but I didn't think it was a good idea for you to sleep in there with them all night, as none of those puppies are house trained yet, so you could have got pee or poo on you, and you wouldn't want that, would you?"

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