Chapter 50

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It is now a little while later at Lillian's home, and Lillian, Lena and Lori have all had a nice time this evening, eating dinner together, chatting with one another, and simply enjoying each other's company. Right now though, Lori is curled up in a ball, asleep on one of Lillian's couches, while Lena and Lillian are both just having some tea, as Lena intends to leave with Lori sometime soon, even though Lillian has suggested they stay the night. A part of Lena does consider that offer, because Lena thinks that her mother might be a bit lonely, especially since moving here to National City, where she doesn't even have any friends or anything, not that she would really call Lillian's friends in Metropolis to be actual friends. However, at the end of the day, Lena would much rather she and Lori go to sleep tonight in their own beds, and not upset any of Lori's routine or anything. Plus, even though tomorrow is Saturday, meaning that she and Lori can stay up a bit later this evening, Lena does still intend to do a little work tomorrow, from home of course, but that work is back at her penthouse.

"So, have you given any more thought about what you are going to do about everything with Kara?" Lillian asks, as she sips her tea, with Lena.

Lena sighs at Lillian asking her that.

"I don't know." Lena shrugs, "I think I'll have to sleep on it. I've got some thoughts, but they are still working their way through my brain."

"Okay. Just as long as you are thinking about it." Lillian says.

Lena nods her head back at Lillian.

"Speaking of thinking about things, what do you intend to do about Eliza?" Lena now asks, with a small smirk growing on her face.

Lillian visible jumps at Lena mentioning Eliza's name, clearly not expecting that.

"I'm not sure that there is much to be done..... All of that..... was a long time ago..... It's probably best to leave the past in the past." Lillian says, after a moments silence.

"Maybe." Lena replies, "But maybe, at the very least, Eliza does deserve an apology, or an explanation from you. As, at the end of the day, my decision in regards to Kara, might end up meaning that Eliza is going to be more involved in our lives, so you would have to be comfortable being in the same room as her on occasion, both of you will. So maybe a clearing of the air is needed?"

"Hmmm..... I'll think about it." Lillian says.

"Okay. Just as long as you are thinking about it." Lena says, repeating her mother's phrase from earlier.

Lillian rolls her eyes at Lena saying her own words back to her.

"Anyway, we better be off." Lena says.

"You won't reconsider spending the night?" Lillian asks.

"No." Lena replies, "But, I'll tell you what, I know that you might like to have Lori here over a night sometime, so you get the experience of putting her to bed, and waking her up in the morning and making her breakfast and everything. So, we can arrange for you both to have a sleepover sometime, if you'd like?"

"Yes. I would like that, very much." Lillian smiles.

"Okay then." Lena smiles back.

Lena now walks over to Lori and carefully takes her into her arms, all while the 3-year-old just remains sleeping. Lillian then proceeds to help Lena gather her and Lori's things, before escorting them out to Lena's car, and assisting Lena with getting Lori strapped into her car seat in the back of the car. All throughout this, Lori does remain mostly asleep, only half waking up as Lillian reaches into the car just to say goodbye to Lori and place a kiss on her cheek.

"Love you, Lori. I will see you soon." Lillian says.

"Love you...." Lori says, tiredly, and then tilts her head to the side, resting it on part of her car seat, and closes her eyes again, falling back to sleep.

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