Chapter 53

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Kara and Lori continued to talk with Eliza on the phone for a good hour, with Eliza telling Lori everything about what the puppies have been up to, and making sure to show Lori lots of images of the puppies right in that moment, over the video call, with her specifically focusing on the puppy that Lori has claimed as her own. Through most of this time on the phone, the puppies have basically been asleep, so there hasn't been much for them to see or anything. Eliza has told both Kara and Lori that she has spoken to various people about the puppies and everything, and consulted with her vet friend about them, and basically as they are still very young puppies the law states that they can't be moved from their mother's side until they are at least 8 weeks old, and currently they are believed to be 4 weeks. Of course, these puppies mother is dead, so that law kind of doesn't apply, but it still means that Eliza isn't able to give these puppies to other people for another 4 weeks, unless she just wanted to give the entire litter to a shelter or something to take care of, but Eliza doesn't want to do that. However, Eliza has once more said that she won't do anything with the puppies until Lori has had a chance to see them again, and 4 weeks time will be the beginning of January anyway, so Eliza hopes Lori and Lena will maybe accept her invitation to come to Midvale for Christmas so Lori can see the puppies again then. After that, Eliza already has a few people who want to adopt some of the puppies and will take them into caring homes and things, but nothing is certain yet, no promises or deals have been made.

Eventually, after speaking to Eliza on the phone for a good hour, Kara and Lori did end their call to Kara's adoptive mom, with Eliza making sure to say goodbye to Lori, and promising to speak to her again soon, and give her more updates on the puppies. After this call ended, Kara did notice Lori get sad once more, and Kara knows this is because Lori absolutely loves spending time with Eliza, and is just a little sad when that time comes to an end, even if it's via a phone call ending. So, as a result of this, Kara made sure to spend the next few hours just cuddled with Lori on the couch, while the two watch some movies together, which seems to have made the young girl happy enough.

On the Lena side of things, for most of her day at L-Corp the CEO has simply been trying to narrow down as to who she thinks the person feeding Lex information could be. The main way that Lena has been doing this is by looking through all the computer correspondence that any of the people she suspects have on their computers at L-Corp. Obviously this is a little unethical, to go looking through her employees emails at work, but it's not like these are private emails Lena is looking at or anything. That said, it's pretty clear from reading several of these emails that a lot of her employees really don't understand that they shouldn't be using their L-Corp emails to discuss certain things not related to work. Of course, Lena doesn't really mind this. Lena is not the type of boss who is going to yell at her employees for using their company emails for personal things, just as long as it's not interfering with said person's work. However, reading through some of these emails, Lena has found out that one of her employees has been using it to keep in contact with his girlfriend. This alone is not an issue. The issue is that said employee has been married for 20 years, and is only contacting his girlfriend through his work email so that his wife doesn't find out, like she would by looking through his texts, or his personal emails. Then, this alone is not the only thing that Lena has found about her employees which is inappropriate or bad. Lena has also found out about one employee using their L-Corp email to arrange for a weekly message session, the type that has a 'happy ending', another has been using it to just purely contact an escort service, and arrange appointments. The most surprising thing about that last one was that the employee was a female, not a male. On top of all this, other things Lena has found is that one of her employees has been using his emails to talk to someone who Lena can only imagine is a loan shark, who he owes money to due to gambling debts, then another has been talking to some sort of dominatrix. All in all, those emails are certainly embarrassing, and make Lena look down at those employees a bit, mostly for being stupid enough to keep all that on their L-Corp emails, but none of it has been a fireable offence, or anything related to Lex, to suggest they are a mole of some kind.

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