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<ROME, ITALY> saturday, August 2 3:45am

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saturday, August 2 3:45am

For the last seven years, I've hated her and I will hate her forever, but why do I get a weird feeling when she's with Jackson and why do I walk into the bathroom knowing she's half naked in the bathroom?
Perhaps I'm just horny.
And jealous.

Of Jackson fuck no the dude is a twig.

That's fucking your ex.

I'm not fucking jealous you dumb fuck.

It is just so I can get laid, but once we get to the beach house that my mom is forcing me to go to because I need a little bit of 'fun' in my life, but 'fun' to me is having sex with random women and drinking alcohol until I'm so drunk I can't even remember my name.

Before walking out of the room, I grabbed my phone and wallet only to see Elias holding a gun, "Avery needs a swimsuit, so we have to stop at the mall" He said so calmly. It seems like pregnancy is draining him.

"Alright psycho" I said and he rolled his eyes.

Who just sits on someone's bed with a gun in their hand like psycho much.

"Alright std man" He said following me out of my room.

"Knock on Elena's door I'll get the others" I said and right when he knocked on the door Elena and Jackson walked out.

She was wearing Blue denim shorts with a cropped black long sleeve shirt and birkenstocks and had a crochet Beach Bag that had orange flowers on it. Her hair was straight as always and she had sunglasses on her head.

I walked down the stairs to the second floor and knocked on my parents door. My mom immediately opened the door with a smile on her face. "There is a slight change of plans" I raised an eyebrow. "You guys will be coming back next tuesday" she said and I groaned.

"Mommm" I called out "I can't survive around Elias annoying me for a whole goddamn week" I said running a hand through my hair.

"I'm sure Elias won't be a problem and there will be Alex and Jackson as well as the girls, of course just have fun and don't do anything illegal." She closed the door before I could respond.

I walked back up the stairs to my room so that I can pack a bag for the ten days I'll be spending at the beach. I packed three pairs of swim shorts, three pairs of black shorts, three black tees, and one formal outfit just in case.

I grabbed my suitcase and took it downstairs seeing everyone else with a suitcase and ready to go I rolled my eyes heading to the car that was waiting for us. Alex, Elena, and Avery sat in the back while me and Elias sat in the very back, with Jackson next to me pure torture.

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