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<MILAN, ITALY> Monday, August 20 10:20am

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Monday, August 20 10:20am

My dad and brother got back this morning from their trip. I got back from working out when they came home. I almost threw a vase at my brother.

Right now it was just me, my dad, Aleksander, and his dad in the living room. We are talking about a mission for tonight. I mean I haven't been on a mission in almost a week.

"Later tonight we want you and Aleksander to go on a mission together in Branzi. You will drive there together. You will be looking for a man of the name Antonio Garcia and his sister Josephine Garcia" My dad explained.

I groaned "Can't I go on a mission with someone else like Alex" I said and my dad rolled his eyes.

"I know that you hate each other's guts but I'm sending you guys out together" He said and I stood up.

"Fine, when do we have to leave and how long?" I asked.

"You'll leave after dinner and you guys can stay at the 'queen mary' hotel. I'll give you the card before you leave and you'll come back tomorrow at whichever time" Rowan Aleksanders father said.

"Unless they wanna stay longer and have some alone time" Irina said which made my cheeks light up in a light red from embarrassment.

"They won't, I don't need any grand babies coming into the family" My dad says glaring at Aleksander.

"Don't worry dad I won't get near that thing because I definitely do not want a std" I said and walked into the kitchen.

Aleksander followed me to the fridge and leaned on one of the doors.

"Thanks sweetheart but I don't have STD's and the last person I fucked was you and I got tested" he said and leaned off of the fridge grabbing a water bottle.

He twisted the bottle cap drinking the water in three huge gulps. He drank the whole thing.

God damn.

That was hot.

I kno- wait no, no it wasn't.

Don't lie.

I'm not.


"You know staring is rude" Aleksander said with a smirk.

"I'm not staring"

"Look I know I'm hot and all but I don't enjoy being stared at by a person like you" he said and left the kitchen.

"Well that was rude"

Put poison powder in his drink.

I'll keep that in mind.

After grabbing a little snack I walked up the stairs into Avery's room.

"Where is Elias?" I asked.

"He went to get me donuts"

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