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<CHICAGO, ILLINOIS>Monday, July 12 2:15pm

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Monday, July 12 2:15pm

I walked out of the conference room and another person failed to tell me where Gonzalo's last warehouse is. Now I'm covered in blood walking out while a bunch of people look at me horrified because I just killed their boss.

I don't care.

I need to find this last building that I've been trying to find for months so that I can finally start my fun with the fucking asshole but I won't do anything until Elena does something first.

He's gonna spend more of his life being tortured than he had lived having the 'time of his life' in his words selling young girls and women to rapists for money.

I walked to my car and ordered my driver to drive back to the hotel that I was staying at. It was only a ten minute drive away.

As soon as I got there, I stepped out and walked into the building. I walked up the stairs to the fifth floor and walked all the way down the hall to my room 903.

In the room, I began packing my bags. I have been here for five days in Chicago, and I can't even stand it anymore. I wanna go home.

My home.

Elena is my home.

I walked out of the room and walked down stairs to get checked out of the hotel before leaving the hotel.

"Hey Mr. Colombo" The desk clerk said.

She pushed up her boobs making them look like they were about to fall out of her tight shirt she smirked.

"Like what you see daddy" She whispered seductively.

Daddy? Eww what the actual fuck.

"No I don't. A few minutes ago I was pleasuring myself to my girlfriend in a very hot lingerie" I said with a smirk laying on my face.

"I bet she's a slut" she mumbled.

"No, because she's pregnant with my child" I said.

"Whatever you'll come back to me sooner or later" She said.

I signed out on the paper before grabbing my bag and leaving the hotel walking to the car that was waiting for me. I put the suitcase in the trunk before sitting in the back seat.

"Where to sir?" The driver asked.

"Chicago airport" I said.

About thirty minutes later I arrived at the airport. I got out of the car, grabbed my stuff and walked towards where my private jet was. When I got on the plane I sat on the seat and took out my computer.

"I'm definitely not ready for this long ass flight" I mutter to myself.

"Hello sir, would you like anything to drink rum, whiskey, or beer?" The flight attendant asked, giving me a menu.

"Do you have tequila?" I asked.

"Yes" she ran into the back.

The plane started up rumbling on the road it began driving down the road before it took off into the air.

The whole flight back to Milan I was on my computer replying to emails and doing research for the last De Sanchez warehouse; the three locations I found were North Carolina, London, and France.

"Sir I brought you a bottle of tequila" The flight attendant said, placing a full bottle in front of me.

If I wasn't in love with my beloved Elena my number one love would be Tequila I mean who doesn't love tequila.

Finally after a long amount of hours the plane landed in Milan I grabbed all my things and walked off the plane walking out of the airport I walked to the car that was waiting for me.

"Thanks for picking me up"

"Not like I had a choice now get in I'm tired"

"Of course krasivyy" I got in the passenger seat.

She scoffed, "Don't call me that."

"Whatever you say Elena" I smirk.

The drive back was honestly really awkward and way too silent. I laid my head on the window looking at my watch. I saw that it was already eleven o' clock, almost twelve o' clock.

When we got back to the house I grabbed my stuff while Elena stomped to the house. I chuckled seeing her tiny shorts, a tank top, and bunny slippers.

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Word count: 756

Next update: October 13th

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