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<MILAN, ITALY> Wednesday, October 13 2:30am

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Wednesday, October 13 2:30am

I have been in labor for exactly seven hours and it has been hell.

Every two to ten minutes I have a contraction and they make me wanna punch something but then here I am eating a cheeseburger and large fry that's from mcdonalds.

"How are you holding up?" Avery asked.

Avery was in my room while Aleksander and Elias went on a walk to 'talk' while Avery kept me busy by asking the same thing 'Are you okay.' It's getting pretty annoying.

"I'm alright I guess" I said, my mouth full of food.

"I guess?" She raises her eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah I mean I've been through worse, remember when I was sixteen and got hit by a car and dislocated my knee and broke my arm" I said.

"Yeah Aleksander freaked out really bad, it was really funny" She said and the room filled with laughter.

"So how long have you been in labor for?" She asked.

"About six hours but I was having contractions all day and they were painful up until six they stopped. That's why Aleksander went to get food and when he got back we sat down at the couch and began watching the little mermaid and then we were talking about a movie marathon and next thing I know my water breaks" I said.

"My contractions never stopped twenty four hours before Silas was born. I had the painful contractions every two to five minutes and they lasted up to 70 seconds" She said.

I looked around the room wondering where Silas was.

"Where is Silas?"

"With the babysitter, I told her what was happening, and she let him stay at her house"

Aleksander and Elias walked into the room while talking. When they finished Elias sat beside Avery and Aleksander walked up to me kissing me and taking the garbage from me and throwing it away.

"Are you still in pain?" He asked.

"Yea-" I squeezed my eyes shut feeling another contraction go through except it was much worse.

"Fuck baby I'm so sorry I wish I could take the pain away from you" Aleksander said in a whispered tone.

I screamed in pain. Avery ran out to get a nurse when the nurse ran in she checked my dilation.

I screamed in pain when the contraction increased. Avery ran out yelling for a nurse while Elias stood there not knowing what to do. The nurse came running in with gloves on. The nurse checked my dilation, her eyes widened as she looked up at me.

"You're already at nine I swear thirty minutes ago you were only at six I guess this baby really wants to get out" She said with a chuckle.

"Where is Lilly?" Avery asked.

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