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<MILAN, ITALY>Friday, January 15 2:00pm

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Friday, January 15 2:00pm

I woke up with a weird feeling.

I feel like sleeping beauty.

"Oh you're awake, good" A nurse said with a smile.


What the fuck is this place.

The nurse left the room coming back with a young blonde hair girl in a blue shirt and pants with a white gown.

She's gorgeous.

"Hello there" she said sitting in front of me.


"Ciao, Bella ragazza"

Hello, pretty lady.

She let out a chuckle grabbing a clipboard and turning to me.

"Sono Lilly o il dottor Moretti e ti esaminerò per vedere se hai l'amnesia, per te va bene?" She said in a strict Italian accent.

I am Lilly or Doctor Moretti and I am going to test you and see if you have amnesia, is that okay with you?

After she did all the tests and wrote down some things on her clipboard she had a small frown on her face.

"Mi dispiace informarti ma soffri di amnesia" she said.

I'm sorry to inform you but you have amnesia.

"Damn my life is pretty messed up I guess" I laughed.

"I'm sure your memory will come back" She said walking out.

She came back in with a middle aged man and women behind her the women ran to me crying my head against her chest.

Her boobs are big.

And squishy.

"My baby doesn't remember me" She said, crying even more.

"Amore mio she will eventually give her some time" This dude said.

The man hugged me and murmured in my ear.

"I wish you remembered us and didn't have amnesia.

I laughed and their expression immediately changed into confusion.

"You really thought I'd forget about you guys. I love you more than anything in the world, not even memory loss can stop that.

"Wait, you don't have amnesia?" My dad questioned.

"No, I had the doctor tell you so I could pull a prank" I giggled.

Angelo comes running in wrapping his hands tightly around my body so tight I could barely breathe.

"God I missed you so much" He mumbled letting go of me.

I smiled at him. I don't think I have ever seen him so much. My parents walk out giving us a sister brother moment. I watched as Angelo looked at the doctor Lilly's cheeks turned bright red when he kissed the back of her hand.

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