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"you have no idea how much i hate your alarm" seokjin mumbled as he heard jimin's alarm for work. the younger one woke up before seokjin.

jimin groaned and sat in bed, "sorry about that. i'm excited to see my students, it's been a long time" he said, putting on his socks because seokjin's mother said he shouldn't walk barefoot.

"not nauseous today?" seokjin sleepily asked, "a bit. on work days, it kicks in when i'm there" he sighed, turning on the bedroom light. seokjin huffed and put the blanket over his head.

"! what did you do over the holidays?" one of his students asked with a wide smile, "i spent christmas and new year's with mr.min. i ate a lot and i got a couple of gifts" he smiled back, "is mr.min fun?"

namjoon nodded, "he's a really chill person" the boy said, memories of how him and yoongi on the couch rushing back. he blushed thinking about it.

jimin sat with his students in a circle with a book in his hands. it was their morning reading time.

he saw a student raise their hand so he called on them, "did you get fat?" the student asked, jimin looked at his tummy, "i'm having a baby" he said, making his students gasp.

"you swallowed a baby?" one of his students whimpered, "no!" he laughed, "it's very different from whatever you're thinking. it's a conversation for when you're older" he said, rubbing his tummy.

"is it a boy or a girl?" another student asked, "i don't know yet" he said, his students were very curious.

"do you get to decide if you have a girl or boy?" another asked, "no, but i'll be happy with either a boy or girl" he said. parenthood was becoming more real by the day.


im so hungry and it's only 10am


do you want something in particular to eat?


maybe i should wait for my lunch time


i can't wait

i'm so hungry


how does fried chicken sound??



i want some noodles



it'll take about half an hour

is that okay??




kk i'll order it in a bit because i'm a bit busy right now and mr.min Where stories live. Discover now