Chapter 32

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It gets dark very early in winter, and when we arrived at the entrance of the village, the sky was already dark.

When getting off the tractor and walking back, Lu Ze very naturally put the two oiled paper bags in his hand into the bamboo basket that Xu Qingyan was carrying.

He didn't hide his movements, so Xu Qingyan naturally noticed it, took a look and didn't say anything.

He thought it was Lu Ze who was too lazy to mention it, so he didn't pay much attention.

It's just that he doesn't seem to have anything else in his hand except those two oil-paper bags?

Xu Qingyan glanced at his hand again, and couldn't help asking: "Didn't you buy anything else?" Lu

Ze said: "What


When I looked into the kitchen, there was nothing in it.

Lu Ze fell silent for a while.

He has been eating from Xu's family from yesterday to today, and he really hasn't thought about cooking. This time I went to the city, and the main task was not shopping.

Not to mention that the original owner's reputation as a gangster is too big. The police felt that everyone knew him well, and after hearing his report, they questioned him for a long time before letting him go, which led to the late return.

He said: "It's okay, let's see who has extra food tomorrow, and go buy some first."

Xu Qingyan didn't know what to say for a moment.

He said: "Let's eat at our house for the next two days."

"No trouble..." Lu Ze was about to speak, but Xu Qingyan said, "We will have mutton pot at home tonight."

Lu Ze took a meal.

Xu Qingyan looked at him: "I saved some mutton and mutton bones, and bought some vegetables, and I just cooked the pot tonight."

Lu Ze looked at him.

Xu Qingyan said: "My mother is very skilled, even better than the masters in the city."

Lu Ze was expressionless.

Xu Qingyan: "It's winter, isn't it cold to go back and forth? Wouldn't it be nice to eat a pot to keep warm?"

Lu Ze pursed his lips.

Xu Qingyan held back his laughter, and softened his voice: "Well, in fact, if you don't go, my mother will definitely not do it. I have been greedy for mutton for a long time, so you can just satisfy me?

" Nodding reluctantly.

Xu Qingyan's eyebrows and eyes were slightly curved, he was childish, and smiling like this now made him look more youthful. It is much more pleasing to the eye than the usual pretending to be stable.

After returning home, Xu's mother greeted them warmly, took the basket from Xu Qingyan's hand and pushed the two of them into the side room: "It's cold on the road, you and Yanyan go back to the room for a rest first, and pull the stove in the main room over to light it up. Come on. Today I will let you try your aunt's cooking!"

Lu Ze could only say thank you. Xu Qingyan was afraid that she would be too busy alone, so he wanted to help her. Xu's mother said: "No need, just stew the soup. It doesn't cost much. What a big deal! You and Lu Ze had a great time."

Xu Qingyan then led him into his room.

The room was kept clean and tidy.

A bed, the quilt is neatly spread, there is a desk next to the bed, and there are books unfolding on it, the owner should have read it not long ago and haven't had time to put it away. There was a wardrobe at the end of the bed, but nothing else.

Xu Qingyan smiled a little embarrassedly, and pulled up the chair next to the desk for him to sit: "The conditions are poor, don't be surprised."

Lu Ze shook his head: "Very good."

Xu Qingyan brought some melon seeds and peanuts from the outhouse, moved the stove from the main room, poured him a glass of water and said, "Drink some water."

He paused, Then he said: "I just washed the cup."

Lu Ze paused, recalling the scene in the morning, he didn't explain too much, just obediently moved to the rim of the cup and took a sip of water: "Thank you."

Xu Qingyan looked at him without any explanation. Not reluctantly, thinking that it shouldn't be because they dislike their family.

Maybe it's simply being particular and unwilling to use it with others.

He lowered his eyes, didn't say anything, and started to pack the things he bought.

Although he doesn't go to school, he has been paying attention to the high school's developments. In addition, there are some classmates who used to play well in high school. Xu Qingyan often asks them what study materials they bought. If possible, he will buy them himself one of the same.

One of the purposes of going out this time was to buy books, but the timing of his trip was unlucky, two of them were out of stock, and it took two days to arrive.

But it would be troublesome to go to the city again in two days.

The village chief's house doesn't go every day, usually every ten days and half a month, how to get there is also a problem.

But if he had to wait another ten days and a half months, his progress would slow down for that long.

Xu Qingyan thought for a while, and couldn't help but glance at Lu Ze next to him.

Lu Ze was peeling peanuts and eating them one by one. Sensing Xu Qingyan's gaze, he raised his eyes and looked over inquiringly, and saw that his expression was troubled, so he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter?"

Xu Qingyan pursed his lips, and said a little embarrassedly: "Are you going to the city yet? "

Lu Ze said: "Maybe I will go there in two days."

After two days, the police should be able to grasp the evidence and wipe out the group of people. When the time comes to take over the factory, he will definitely have to go there.

Xu Qingyan's eyes lit up, he hesitated for a moment and said: "Then, if you go then, can you bring me two books?"

Lu Ze looked at him: "Books?"

Xu Qingyan said: "When I went to buy it today, the bookstore The book is gone, and it may take two days to arrive. If it is convenient for you, can you bring it for me?"

Lu Ze asked: "What book?"

Xu Qingyan took a piece of paper and wrote two names: "It is These two books."

Lu Ze looked down, and the first thing he noticed was not the content, but the font itself.

Clear and restrained but with a hidden pen.

Lu Ze said: "The writing is not bad."

Xu Qingyan smiled slightly, as if embarrassed.

Lu Ze put away the paper and said, "I'll bring it to you when I go."

Xu Qingyan smiled instantly, went to get the money again, thought for a while and said, "If you don't have enough money by then, please help me fill it up. I'll make it up for you."

Although he had asked his classmates about the price of the book in advance, there was no guarantee that it would not change.

Lu said yes.

All was well for a while.

Xu's mother was busy in the kitchen, while Lu Ze was also eating his peanuts slowly, not talking much. Xu Qingyan also confidently picked up the book he just bought and read it.

The question types inside were relatively new, Xu Qingyan frowned slightly, and slowly immersed himself in his own world.

In the room, apart from the crisp sound of peeling peanuts, there is only the slight movement of the tip of the pen sliding across the paper.

Lu Ze glanced at him, the boy's hair was a little long, and the broken hair would always cover his sight when he lowered his head. He unconsciously put the pen in his mouth to bite, and fiddled with his hair from time to time with one hand. It is obvious that the whole body and mind are immersed in it.

Lu Ze withdrew his gaze and looked out the window.

The sky was completely dark, the wind was cold and windy outside, and there was a stove in the house, so it was still warm.

He suddenly thought of Lin Zhiyan.

There is no other reason, but whenever I am free, I always think of him uncontrollably.

Thinking of how every winter, he would snuggle into his arms like this, holding the latest weekly paper in his hand, kissing him after reading it for a while, and sometimes, when he wanted something to eat, he would act like a spoiled child at him sticky, beckoning him do it.

It doesn't snow often in the capital, and every time it snows, Lin Zhiyan will ask for leave to stay at home, and the two of them can spend a whole day together.

"Lu Ze?" The voice in his ear was clear and soft, and Lu Ze suddenly thought it was Lin Zhiyan calling him.

Looking up, Xu Qingyan had already packed his books and stood up: "It's time to eat."

Lu Ze heard Xu's mother yelling for dinner outside, and he was silent: "Sorry, I was thinking about something just now."

Xu Qingyan Said: "It's okay, let's go there quickly."

Lu Ze stood up, holding a handful of peeled peanuts in his palm.

He paused, then stuffed the peanuts into his pocket.

Xu's mother was walking towards the main room with large and small dishes, and Lu helped Xu Qingyan move the stove back, and the iron pot was placed on top of the stove, so that the soup on the pot would not be cold, and other dishes could be cooked.

Xu's mother smiled while picking up vegetables for him: "If you are at home, if you don't want to cook by yourself, you come to your aunt's house. It's just a matter of having an extra pair of chopsticks. Don't be embarrassed." Lu Ze couldn't be embarrassed

? After going out for a day today, Xu's mother made a pot of white flour steamed buns at home, and put the big ones in his bowl.

He thought that next time he went to the city, he couldn't forget to buy some food. The original owner's parents left some food stamps, which should be enough for a while. But if you don't go to the city these days, you can't eat other people's food for free...

The mutton is very badly stewed. There is some ginger in the mutton soup, which is a bit spicy. Drinking a bowl can dispel the chill all over your body.

Xu's father kept greeting him to eat with a smile and told him not to be polite. Lu Ze couldn't really be rude, he didn't eat much meat, he just drank two bowls of soup, and smiled at Xu's mother: "Auntie is good at cooking." Xu's mother smiled brightly: "You can just drink as much as you

like If nothing else, soup and water will definitely be enough!"

After two meals in the past two days, she can more or less see what kind of person this child is. , like some heinous little bastard.

Even if he was ignorant in the past, now after going through such a life-and-death test, he has gradually changed for the better.

This is the most rare.

After eating, Lu Ze didn't ask them to deliver it, but Xu Qingyan suddenly chased after him before he was halfway there: "You forgot your things."

Lu Ze looked down and saw that it was the two oil-paper bags he bought.

Lu Ze said, "I bought it for you and your uncle."

Xu Qingyan was stunned, dim sum and pastries are not cheap, he immediately shook his head and said: "We can't take it, you..."

Lu Ze said: "I don't eat these things. You can either eat them yourself, or keep them for guests, it doesn't matter."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand and left without waiting for Xu Qingyan to say anything else. Leaving Xu Qingyan staring at things for a while, he silently turned back home.

Xu's mother was cleaning up the dishes, and she glanced at him when she heard the movement: "Confiscate it?"

Xu Qingyan shook his head: "Our family can't always take advantage of him like this."

Xu's mother shook her head: "This child knows how to be grateful." Yes."

She thought for a while: "I look at the sky at night, tomorrow should be sunny, you get up tomorrow morning to scour some wheat, take advantage of the sunny weather to dry it quickly, and go get some white flour in two days, there is no white flour at home."

Xu Qingyan said yes.

Xu's mother murmured: "It's a child after all, we can't take advantage of him for nothing. During the time he's in the village, you call him to eat frequently every day. If he doesn't come, you pull him over.

" Thinking of how he thought his legs were short, he said helplessly: "He is so tall and big, how can I pull him?"

Mother Xu poked his forehead and smiled: "Silly boy."

Xu Qingyan also looked at her, With a smile.

It had been a long time since the family had such a relaxed atmosphere, and Xu Qingyan was also happy.

Before dawn the next day, Mother Xu and Xu Qingyan woke up. Xu's mother cooks, while Xu Qingyan takes a big basin, puts the wheat into it to wash, and when the wheat husks and other sundries float up, he skims the things off, and when the stones settle at the bottom of the wheat, he scoops out the wheat Come out, filter the water on the dustpan aside, and when the sun is about to rise, put the filtered wheat on the prepared bamboo mat and turn it into ridges.

If the sun is good these two days, they will be able to get almost enough sun if they turn over more diligently.

Xu's mother finished the meal, and when it was almost time, she asked Xu Qingyan to wash up, and asked him to call Lu Ze to eat.

The weather in the morning was very cold, but Xu Qingyan was sweating after working for a long time. He tidied himself up and went to the door of Lu's house, only to find that the door was locked from the outside.

Xu Qingyan was stunned, he didn't expect him to get up so early, and he didn't know where to find him.

He has been growing up in the city and rarely returns to the village. He doesn't know anyone he knows, where can he go?

Xu Qingyan couldn't figure it out, and was about to go back first, when a familiar voice suddenly came from behind: "What's the matter?"

Xu Qingyan turned around and saw that the man was tall and tall, and he was carrying a big fish in his hand. He was not exactly the person he was looking for.

Lu Ze asked: "I'm not going to the city today, what do you want to tell me?"

Xu Qingyan shook his head: "No, I'm not in a hurry."

"My mother told you to go to dinner."

Lu Ze paused , the hand that opened the door stopped, and without refusing, he said, "Okay."

Xu Qingyan looked at him and went straight away, with the fish still in his hand, thinking of what he had done these two days, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch. : "Why don't you put the fish in the house first..."

Lu Ze glanced back at him, and said, "I want to eat fish today, and I want my aunt to cook it for me." He said

he wanted to eat it, and then he would eat only a little, and the rest would be cheap for their family .

Xu Qingyan caught up with him and tried to persuade him: "I remember there is a small salted fish at home, if you want to eat we can eat that."

Lu Ze said: "But I want to eat fresh."

Xu Qingyan wanted to say more What, Lu Ze stopped and pointed in the direction of his house: "Auntie is already waiting at the door."

Xu Qingyan looked in the direction he pointed, and suddenly had nothing to say.

After entering Xu's house, Xu's mother looked at his hands and was shocked: "Why did you bring something again?"

Lu Ze said: "I got up early in the morning and suddenly wanted to eat fish, so I went to the Houshan River to see Take a look, good luck, I caught one, please burn it at noon today."

Xu's mother didn't know what to say, she just said: "In this weather, you are really lucky to catch fish."

Lu Ze smiled He smiled and didn't speak.

In the morning, Xu's mother cooked some porridge, warmed up some steamed buns, and the dried radish that was pickled before.

At noon, Xu's mother asked him for his opinion and asked him how he wanted to eat the fish. For such a big fish, if he wanted to do all kinds of tricks once, it would be enough to eat two or three times.

Lu Ze knew that farm oil was expensive, so he just said: "Use fish heads to make soup, and Qingyan uses his brain to study, so make up for it." Xu's

mother was taken aback, since Xu's father fell ill, most of her thoughts were working outside and Xu For the father, he really seldom paid attention to his son's body, even if he said yes.

Xu Qingyan was listening, but he didn't expect him to mention himself. Seeing him chatting happily with Xu's father by the bed, he pursed his lips and went to the kitchen to work with Xu's mother.

After scraping off the scales of the fish and tidying up the internal organs, Xu's mother saw her son coming in and approaching her from the corner of her eyes, looking at the fish eagerly, she couldn't help poking his head: "Little greedy cat." "I'm afraid you are not a cat.

" It's right."

So I love to eat fish.

Xu Qingyan smiled, feeling like cooking a pot for her.

The fish head tofu soup at noon was delicious, but Lu Ze drank two extra bowls of soup, but he didn't eat much meat. Xu's father and Xu's mother also seemed to like soup more, but Xu Qingyan usually didn't seem to have a big appetite, but now he took a small bite, half of the fish head was taken care of by him.

Lu Ze couldn't help but glanced at him: "Like to eat fish?"

Xu Qingyan couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and said with a blushing face, "It's okay."

Lu Ze looked at him for a moment, his eyes drooping, and said: "It's warm at noon, and the fish is warm." There will be more. If you like to eat, I'll take you to catch fish and stock up."

Xu Qingyan's eyes lit up: "Okay!"

Xu's father listened and became interested: "I remember there are still fish in the warehouse. There is a fishing rod I made before, Yanyan, you will look for it later, maybe you can catch a few fish at this time."

Xu's mother said: "It's such a good luck, even if there are fish at this time, it probably won't be too late. It's some small fish."

Xu's father said with a smile: "Small fish are fine too. If you catch small fish and fry them in oil, it's a good appetizer!"

Xu's mother wanted to say how extravagant it is to use fried fish, but Seeing that everyone was happy, he didn't say anything, just said: "Go, go, see how many fish you can catch, and I will make you whatever you want to eat when you come back!"

Xu Qingyan couldn't help being a little excited. He had a gentle personality since he was a child, and he didn't get along well with the boys in the village. It was rare that an older one was willing to take him to play, so he was naturally very excited.

Bringing the fishing rod and bucket, Lu Ze took a firewood knife and waited to cut the branches, and the two walked towards the back mountain together.

After arriving at the place, Xu Qingyan first set up the fishing rod in the upper reaches of the river, and then watched curiously that Lu Ze broke off a branch half as thick as a wrist from a nearby tree, and sharpened the top with a machete.

He asked, "Are you going to use it to spear a fish?"

Lu Ze nodded.

Xu Qingyan bit his lower lip. He also played in the summer, but he never managed to get a fish, so he couldn't help being a little worried.

Lu Ze told him with his strength that the fish he got in the morning was not by luck.

The temperature is high at noon, and the fish in the river are all active. The water on the shore was shallow, and Lu Ze was wearing Xu's father's old rain boots, and gradually trickled down to the middle of the river, where there was a big rock. He stepped on the rock to borrow strength, and stood there for a while, silent. Immediately, his eyes flashed, he raised the wooden stick high and slammed it down, only to hear the sound of "噗嗤" entering the water, followed by the violent rippling of the river, and the next moment, the wooden stick lifted the water out, with fish sticks tied on it. Wagging its tail.

Xu Qingyan was excited for a moment, and exclaimed "Wow", Lu Ze glanced over there, took the fish and threw it on the shore, Xu Qingyan quickly put it into the bucket, and when he looked at Lu Ze again, both pairs of eyes His eyes were sparkling, and the smile on his face was undisguised.

Lu Ze glanced at him again, picked up the stick again, observed for a while, and saw another fish.

Xu Qingyan was almost stunned, it was hard to imagine that spearfishing would be so simple. But Lu Ze never made a fool of himself, even though sometimes the fish wasn't too big, it made Xu Qingyan more and more admire him, even a little ready to move.

A big bucket was almost full, Xu Qingyan was walking around the bank, looking at it with hot eyes.

The temperature at noon was not low, and with such a lot of exercise, Lu Ze raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, noticed Xu Qingyan's gaze, and asked, "Want to try?

" No embarrassment, just nodded fiercely, looking at Lu Ze's bright black eyes full of anticipation.

Lu Ze paused, walked towards the bank, took off his rain boots, and told him: "There is mud at the bottom of the river, be careful of slippery. Try to follow the path I'm walking, and don't go too deep." Xu Qingyan

put Put on the rain boots and nod obediently.

Holding Lu Ze's harpoon and using Quan as a crutch, he walked cautiously. Just like that, he almost slipped and fell. He stabilized his figure in time, and slowly finally reached the place where Lu Ze was just now.

Lu Ze told him some key points, and he listened carefully, imitating Lu Ze's posture, stepping on the stone with one foot, holding his breath, licking his lower lip, and watching the movement in the river intently.

When a fish finally swam over slowly, he was even more breathless and dared not make a sound.

He slowly raised the wooden stick, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and the weight increased significantly when he lifted the fork fiercely at the position below the fish,

but it was not the fish, but the mud at the bottom of the river.

Xu Qingyan couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, but he didn't expect to succeed once. He continued his efforts, but several fish passed by in succession, but he did not succeed once.

The surrounding river water became a little muddy, and this time and time again, his misses aroused his competitive spirit. He licked his lips, wiped off the river water on his face, and concentrated again, looking at the river quietly with his black eyes, like a cat quietly waiting to be hunted.

Lu Ze couldn't help being startled.

He watched Xu Qingyan hold the wooden stick in both hands, his eyebrows and eyes darkened; he watched his eyes lock on one place, his eyes were slightly bright; Afterwards, a gorgeous smile appeared on his face.

"Lu Ze!"

He raised the wooden stick high and looked back. The water droplets thrown by the fish's tail reflected the color of glass in the sunlight, which made his eyebrows vivid and eye-catching. It was the brilliance of joy that Lu Ze could feel from far away, much more dazzling than the brilliance of the sun.

Lu Ze's gaze fell on him for a moment.

Xu Qingyan was excited for a while, and then felt that he was six years older than him, and it seemed impolite to call him by his name, so he raised his eyebrows and called him again in embarrassment: "Brother Lu!" The author had something to



It just so happens that my hometown is also washing wheat and drying wheat today. I feel that if I don't write this detail clearly, I will be sorry for my experience (kimbo!)

Today is not Lu Yan Lu Yu. After all, it is not far from recognizing my wife. Give Lu Save some face for the dog~

I will try to recognize my wife in the next chapter! It's easy to write when you write and write!

There are 6,000 words today, don't fatten up, it's already fat enough!

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