Chapter 51

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The people who went north were not only Lu Ze and Xu Qingyan, but also some of Lu Zexin's subordinates, who also came with a large amount of goods this time. One is the market demand in the capital, and the other is to take this opportunity to further understand the situation here.

Their schedule was much slower than that of Lu Ze and the two of them, and because of this, Lu Ze and Xu Qingyan only had a few days to rest.

The yard has been around for some years, and there are some dilapidated places inside and out. Simply, Lu asked people to repair the house early in the morning, and let people take care of the sanitation. It is still no problem to accommodate people.

In the next few days, the two of them made a list of what was missing in the house, and visited all the large and small shopping malls in the capital, and finally made the yard look like a home, with a bit of a home atmosphere.

After all, if there are no accidents, this will be their home in the capital for many years to come.

In the dead of night, the humming of cicadas can be heard. Xu Qingyan, who had been coaxed to come here twice, curled up sleepily in Lu Ze's arms, and fell into a deep sleep.

The moon is bright and the stars are bright outside the window, which shows that tomorrow will be a fine weather.

Early the next morning, Lu took Xu Qingyan out of the house, walked around several famous places of interest in the capital city, and took him to visit various universities including the Capital University. The group of people who came.

Lu Ze didn't just want to be a factory.

Now the output of the two factories is relatively sufficient for Lu Ze, and it is a little redundant to open another same factory in a place like the capital. So from the very beginning, Lu Ze's goal was not to follow the previous path. What he wanted to do was to create a brand in the capital, a luxury brand.

The products in the factory have always followed the mid-to-high-end route, the audience is neither too big nor too small, and the profits it can bring are quite considerable, but no matter how impressive it is, it is ultimately limited.

Now it is 1986, and in a few years, the real estate and Internet industries will rise one after another, and the capital needed will not be comparable to that of clothing. If Lu Ze wanted to gain an absolute advantage from the very beginning, he had to have more funds in order to have a greater say in the future.

Everything now is just a small fight after all.

But if a luxury brand can be built from scratch, the future benefits cannot be summed up in two simple words.

With a plan in mind, Lu Ze didn't hide it from Xu Qingyan. He broke up his thoughts and fed them to Xu Qingyan bit by bit, explaining every little detail and telling him so that he could understand and let him know. he knows.

The two of them became busy in the next few days. From the start of the project this time, Lu Ze brought Xu Qingyan together, from the initial survey of the site, to the subsequent procedures, and even the subsequent design of the brand concept, Xu Qingyan was bound to be involved in any process that Lu Ze participated in.

Lu took him by his side, taught him bit by bit, and even asked his opinion on some key issues. And Xu Qingyan did not disappoint him, growing at such a rapid rate that the people in this team couldn't believe that this was the person who didn't understand anything at first.

When the two arrived in the capital, except for the first few days, they were so busy every day that they hardly touched the ground, and there was almost no time to rest. The most common scenario for them is to go out before dawn, come back when the night is dark, sleep in each other's arms after washing, and repeat today's busyness the next day.

There is also a bit of fulfillment in the busy life. Xu Qingyan has been radiant recently. The process of learning new knowledge and mastering new abilities every day obviously makes him very excited.

And Lu is also admiring him for this.

It is also because of this that the two of them put all their energy on their work, but neglected an extremely important matter.

Xu Qingyan's college entrance examination results came out.

It was only when they returned home that day and received a call from Xu's father and Xu's mother that they remembered this.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were on the verge of crying with joy, and kept complaining to the two children: "What are you doing! You can forget such an important thing! I have called you all day and no one answered. Your father is dying of anxiety..."

"Score 603! Score 603! Woo..." Mother Xu covered her lips, desperately trying to control herself, but the sobs in her voice still reached the ears of the two along the phone.

When Xu Qingyan heard the score, he and Lu Ze looked at each other, still a little confused. Although he was sure about his college entrance examination results, and the scores should not be too low, but the result really came out, he still couldn't believe it.

The score is 603, which is several tens of points higher than the admission score of Capital University last year.

Lu Ze rubbed his head, saw a smile on his face, and then jumped up happily: "Mother! Mother! I passed the exam! I passed the exam!" The mother and son were excited on both sides of the

phone The ground jumped wildly, while Lu Ze watched from the side with a smile on his face.

When Xu Qingyan finally finished talking about his excitement with his parents and hung up the phone, he jumped onto Lu Ze again, bowed his head and kissed him on the face several times, smiling brightly: "Lu Ze, Lu Ze

... I'm so happy...I like you so much..."

It's rare for Xu Qingyan to be so proactive, and Lu Ze naturally wouldn't let it go. That night, Xu Qingyan abandoned his usual shyness and almost did whatever Lu Ze asked him to do. People made trouble until the early hours of the morning before giving up.

Early the next morning, it was inevitable that they got up late, but both of them were refreshed, so they simply took a vacation and went out to have a good meal together as a celebration.

After a day of rest, keep fighting. The results of the college entrance examination were exciting, but to Xu Qingyan now, knowing it was like knowing it, it was like a trivial episode, far less important than what he was doing at hand.

From the end of July to the end of August, for more than a month, the two of them hardly had any rest. Xu Qingyan was always in high spirits, and followed Lu Ze back and forth. If he is not there, he can talk freely when negotiating with others without losing the slightest bit of wind.

Lu Ze was naturally relieved to see his growth.

On the eve of the opening of the Capital University, the preparations for the store were finally completed, and all the products, models, and designers were all in place. The clothing brand named "Qinglu" finally appeared in everyone's sight.

Because of the heavy investment in publicity in the early stage, the launch of the unique slogan of high-end customization, coupled with the unique and trendy element design of their clothing, "Qinglu" has received the favor of many people as soon as it was launched, and the profits obtained two days before the store opened While Xu Qingyan was surprised, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The capital is indeed a gathering place for rich people.

In this way, the business here is gradually on the right track, and Xu Qingyan can finally relax and prepare for the start of school.

Capital University provides accommodation, but there is no requirement for accommodation. Even so, Lu Ze helped Xu Qingyan prepare bedding and planned to take him to the dormitory and roommates.

In this way, even if he was busy sometimes and Xu Qingyan didn't want to go home, he could still live in the dormitory.

After being busy for more than a month, the two of them finally had a little leisure time. During the day, they went out to go shopping and buy some necessities. At night, they stayed in their small home, enjoying intimate intimacy.

Xu Qingyan liked this feeling very much, the feeling of being closely intertwined with him.

The day before school started, Xu's father and Xu's mother rushed to the capital. Under the persuasion of Xu Qingyan and Lu Ze, they didn't bring any salutes and went into battle lightly. The journey was quite easy.

Lu Ze and Xu Qingyan drove to pick them up, listened to their chatting and laughing, and inserted a sentence from time to time to briefly introduce their life during this period, which also reassured Xu's parents and Xu's mother.

Lu Ze took the people to his home and let them have a good night's rest. The next morning, he went to report with the Xu family and Xu Qingyan.

It was the first day of school, and there were faces full of luggage coming and going. Xu Qingyan and Lu Ze had wandered around the Capital University campus before, and were familiar with each teaching building and dormitory, so they walked to their dormitory with ease.

Put down the luggage first, they didn't rush to pack up, but took Xu's parents and Xu's mother around the campus, showing them the places where he would eat and study in the future, Xu's parents didn't speak, and looked at him. But with the brilliance of divine longing.

Father Xu's legs and feet were inconvenient, and he was being pushed all the time. He couldn't help but raised his hand and patted Xu Qingyan's shoulder: "Having a son like you is my greatest pride in my life." Xu Qingyan sniffled and said with a smile

: "Then I will make you proud in the future, there are many more."

Lu Ze originally wanted to keep Xu's parents and Xu's mother to stay here for a few more days, but they didn't want to cause Lu Ze any trouble, and they would go back that night, although Xu Qingyan was reluctant However, they followed their advice and sent them to the train station with Lu Ze.

Seeing their figures disappear into the crowd, Xu Qingyan lost his concentration in a daze. Lu Ze squeezed his hand and said softly: "Go back, don't you still want to live in the dormitory today?" Xu Qingyan smiled at him, turned

around leave with him.

When he returned to the dormitory, several other roommates had already arrived, looking at him with curiosity. After more than a month of training, Xu Qingyan was no longer the restrained and shy person he was before. He greeted them openly, and then pulled Lu Ze behind him and said, "This is my brother." A group of people hurriedly said, "Brother, brother, brother!

" Lu

Ze laughed when he heard the words, leaning sideways on the door frame, watching Xu Qingyan deal with the new roommates with ease, talking and laughing, his brows and eyes gradually softened.

His youth shines brightly in the crowd.


This is what he should have been.

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