Chapter 41

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He turned around slowly, subconsciously turning his hands behind his clothes, "Brother Lu..."

Lu Ze looked at his movements, and then at his expression. He said, "What's so embarrassing about this? It's normal for you to have this kind of reaction for a half-grown boy. What's there to hide?"

Xu Qingyan's lips moved and he didn't speak.

Lu Ze thought of something, and asked again: "So, last time because of this, you hid from me for several days. You are embarrassed to see me?"

Xu Qingyan was silent for a moment, then nodded stiffly.

Lu Ze smiled broadly, and patted him on the head: "This kind of thing is normal, it proves that you are in good health, so don't be embarrassed."

Xu Qingyan's lips moved slightly, wanting to say no, this is not normal.

No man's...fantasy object...was another man.

Lu Ze didn't know what he was thinking at all, so he didn't ask any more thoughtful questions, but just glanced at him again, and said, "You don't wear so little, go into the room quickly, don't wait until tomorrow to catch a cold." Xu Qingyan's mind was blank, and was

caught He pushed towards the bedroom.

The stove inside the house was still burning, and it was much warmer than outside. Xu Qingyan entered the room stiffly, his mind was in a mess, before he realized what he was going to do, Lu Ze looked at him and said, "Are you still embarrassed?" Xu Qingyan

froze for a moment, then lowered his head stiffly.

Lu Ze smiled and said, "Look at you, do you still remember who I dreamed about? Why are you so embarrassed?"

Xu Qingyan's face changed suddenly, and then the corners of his mouth twitched, his voice panicked: "Lu, Brother Lu."

He buried his head deeper: "Don't make fun of me..."

Lu Ze paused when he saw this, and then smiled helplessly: "Okay, I won't make fun of you."

He rubbed his hair again: "Then I Go back first, remember to rest early."

Until the sound of closing the door sounded, Xu Qingyan's stiff back eased a little, but he still turned his back to the door, not daring to turn his head.

After an unknown amount of time, the clothes in his hand were freezing to the bone, so he slowly found a hanger, hung the clothes beside the stove, and finally walked to the bed step by step.

The lights have been extinguished, and the sky is dark.

Xu Qingyan opened his eyes wide, his mind was filled with the scene of the two entangled in each other in the dream, his hands curled up under the quilt tightly clenched the palms, and he didn't feel the pain.

A sleepless night.

On the other side, Lu Ze returned to the bedroom with ease, and 777 couldn't help asking in his mind: 【Host, why don't you take this opportunity to speak out? 】

Lu Ze got on the bed safely, and said: 【No rush, the last dose of medicine is still short. 】

777 is thoughtful.


Xu Qingyan has been a little absent-minded these days.

The specific performance is that some basic data can be miscalculated. Accountant Li looked in disbelief, and raised his eyes to look at Xu Qingyan: "Xiao Xu, have you been feeling unwell recently?" "

Huh?" Xu Qingyan raised his eyes in a daze.

"Look." He tapped the paper: "You can make mistakes in these two most basic places, it's not your usual style."

He cared and said: "If you are not feeling well recently, please take a leave of absence for two days to rest and rest."

Xu Qingyan was stunned for a long time before slowly saying: "Sorry."

"I may be a little tired recently, and my condition is not good Great, I made you worry."

He got up and took the data: "I'm fine, I don't need to ask for leave, just... I'll be fine after this day."

He pursed his lips and forced a smile at him "I'll change this data again. I'm sorry, Master Li, for causing you trouble."

Accountant Li frowned, but didn't say anything when he insisted: "Your own body knows it, don't force it."

Xu Qingyan nodded in response good.

The tip of the pen kept sliding on the paper, Xu Qingyan seemed to be divided into two halves.

Half of them forced themselves to immerse themselves in work, like a machine that was cold and lifeless; the other half fell into deep chaos and immorality. Conscience and morality were tearing at his soul, making him feel like he was falling into an abyss. Breathing seems to be trying to survive in the cracks.

Difficult, unexamined.

He has feelings for Lu Ze that go beyond friends and brothers.

The knowledge he has studied for more than ten years has not told him what it is, but the terms "homosexual", "disgusting", and "mental illness" in the collections of libraries and bookstores have classified this kind of thing as a mistake, classified it as For taboo.

In the eyes of others, this is pathological, illegal, and unacceptable to the world.

Xu Qingyan was in deep torment and self-disgust, but on the surface, there was no clue, and he processed the data organically and emotionlessly. Xu Shi knew that he had already made a mistake emotionally, and he could no longer cause trouble for Lu Ze at work. Xu Qingyan completed the whole morning's work almost perfectly.

When it was time to eat at noon, Accountant Li looked at the data without a single error, then looked at Xu Qingyan, hesitant to speak.

At noon, there was already a large crowd of people in the cafeteria. Lu Ze usually eats with him, but today Xu Qingyan waited, but he was nowhere to be seen.

For a moment he didn't know how he was feeling.

Wanting to see Lu Ze, but feeling unable to see him.

It seemed that the more he saw him, the dirty feelings in his heart would be unable to hide.

The food was stuffed into the mouth almost mechanically, and the number of people in the cafeteria gradually increased. Xu Qingyan vaguely heard what they seemed to be talking about. The movement couldn't help slowing down...

A lesbian poked the arm of the person next to him: "Today, the factory manager is talking about cooperation with the owner of a garment factory in the south, do you know?" "Yes,

it's not very common, we The products are getting more and more popular now, and the reputation of the factory is getting bigger and bigger. Didn't many people want to cooperate with them before? It's not unusual." One person didn't care.

"Hey, it's different!"

"Why is it different?" the man asked in confusion.

"The factory manager who came here this time, like our factory manager, is a young man in her early twenties! And, most importantly, she is a lesbian!" "What?

" Comrade?"

"Yes, I just met! That lesbian is stylish and beautiful, and the key point is that she is generous and vigorous when talking about business, and she is about the same age as our factory manager. Didn't you see that the two of them were walking in front of each other? When we're together, that's the beauty of a man and a woman, and they're right for each other!"

Xu Qingyan couldn't help tightening his hand holding the chopsticks when he heard this.

The group of people still said: "Our factory manager seems to be not young anymore, right? It's time to think about starting a family." "Yeah, I heard that the

factory manager doesn't have any elders anymore. There should be no one to advise him, so it's only now, right?"

"As far as the director's way of doing things, does he need someone else's advice? To be honest, every time I see the director, I feel like he can see through it." I don't dare to say anything."

"That lesbian is beautiful, capable, and has a common topic with the factory manager. Do you think the factory manager will really take a fancy to her? Will we Do you really want to have one more proprietress?"

A group of people was making a fuss, more and more people were talking about this matter, Xu Qingyan lowered his head, looking at the delicious dishes on the dinner plate, he couldn't eat for a while.

The people around him suddenly poked him, and asked with a smile: "Xiao Xu, what do you think?"

Xu Qingyan raised his eyes in a daze: "What do you think?"

"It's our factory director's wife, do you think our factory director will find someone What kind of object?"

Xu Qingyan's eyelashes trembled, and he forced a smile after a while: "Anything is fine, isn't it enough if the factory manager likes it?" "

Hahaha, yes, we are the ones to worry about for the factory manager It's up."

Xu Qingyan took a mouthful of rice with downcast eyes, chewed it in a random manner, and after a while, slowly got up, cleaned up the dishes, put them in the recycling place, got up and left the cafeteria.

The inside and outside of the cafeteria seemed to be two worlds, and the surroundings suddenly became clear.

Xu Qingyan walked silently, when he suddenly heard a commotion not far ahead, looked up, Lu Ze was talking with a smile, and beside him was a fashionable and beautiful woman with elegant and beautiful wavy hair, looking sideways Looking at Lu Ze, there was a smile on Jiaohao's face.

Xu Qingyan stopped at the same spot, watching the group of people gradually walk out of the factory, Lu Ze seemed to have noticed something, glanced this way, and smiled at him when he saw him.

Xu Qingyan also forced a smile.

When the figure disappeared, Xu Qingyan stood alone in the darkness without speaking for a long time.

Xu Qingyan, what are you thinking.

Those who stand next to Lu Ze in the future should be like this, beautiful and majestic women, they will accept other people's blessings together, and stand openly together under everyone's eyes, loving and beautiful.

If you are sick yourself, don't drag others into the water.

Brother Lu is so good, you can't do this, you can't do this... You

walked back to the accounting office lightly and heavily, but Accountant Li hasn't come back yet.

Xu Qingyan just felt tired and was about to take a break when suddenly someone said that Lu Ze was looking for him in the factory director's office.

Xu Qingyan paused, surprised that he didn't go to dinner with that lesbian, and again and again cast aside the uncontrollable fluke in his heart.

Standing outside the office, Xu Qingyan took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

The door was unlocked, and opened a crack following his movement.

There was no movement in the house.

Xu Qingyan was stunned for a moment, then looked inside along the crack of the door, and saw a pair of slender legs hanging out of the sofa, he couldn't see the figure clearly, as if he had fallen asleep on the sofa.

Xu Qingyan paused, then pushed the door open and walked in.

Lu Ze was lying on the sofa, sleeping soundly, but there was nothing covering his body.

Xu Qingyan stepped lightly, looked around, picked up the blanket from the chair beside him, and covered him lightly.

Lu Ze frowned, but did not wake up.

Xu Qingyan didn't know what state of mind he was in, so he squatted beside the sofa and looked at him quietly.

His eyes swept over his eyebrows, across the bridge of his nose, and finally fell on his lips slowly, but as if being burned, he quickly looked away.

After a while, he seemed to be reluctant again, and turned his gaze back to Lu Ze's face.

Lu Ze is also very busy recently, the factory has gradually become famous, and he has to entertain a lot of people every day, and sometimes he can't even get together for a meal.

While Xu Qingyan breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to see him more.

Without doing anything else, just watching him quietly, he was already satisfied.

Lu Ze didn't take much rest these days, and there was obvious fatigue between his brows. Xu Qingyan didn't bother him, but just watched the broken hair on his forehead fall between his brows and eyes, stretched out a finger, and gently brushed the strand of hair Hair brushed aside.

His fingertips touched his cheek, and the warm touch made him tremble. Reason told Xu Qingyan to stay away, but his feelings made him miss this kind of warmth.

His fingertips were stiff, and after a long time, he felt a little helpless, almost untouched, and slid down along the center of his brow, along his brow, and gently smoothed it, as if trying to smooth the center of his brow of wrinkles.

Seeing that Lu Ze's expression slowly relaxed, Xu Qingyan slightly pursed his lips, and with some reluctance to withdraw his hand.

But at the moment when he left between his eyebrows, someone grabbed his wrist suddenly, and the sleeping person suddenly opened his eyes, with some hazy sleepiness in his eyes, but with a smile, he said: "Look from the side. It took me a long time, what's your idea?"

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