Chapter 109

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 The temperature in the hall gradually increased. Yan Lingqiu grabbed the quilt with one hand and looked at the void with a blank expression, like a dry fish floating in the mid-air without water.

Lu Ze moved gently, kissing down bit by bit, patiently comforting all the panic and anxiety in his heart, clasped his hand with his big hand, and interlocked his fingers.

"Ling Qiu..." he murmured, Yan Lingqiu clenched his lower lip, his waist and abdomen tensed into a perfect arc, and the corners of his eyes were filled with lustrous water.

He broke out: "Your Majesty"

"I'm here." Lu Ze spoke in a deep voice, but his free hand moved wantonly without the slightest pause. Yan Lingqiu clenched her lower lip, controlling herself not to make a sound, her expression was full of confusion. Lu Ze squeezed his fingers between his lips, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't bite."

Yan Lingqiu panted heavily, and her tightly clenched nails imprinted one crescent moon shape after another on the back of his hand. Then put one hand in his hair, rubbing it for a while, trying to comfort him patiently.

The scene became more and more uncontrollable, Yan Lingqiu felt something, his body tightened, and then slowly relaxed, he was already prepared, but he didn't expect that at the critical moment, Lu Ze suddenly got up, breathing heavily, and his eyes were dark After staring at him for a while, he actually wanted to get up and leave. Yan Lingqiu looked stunned, and subconsciously hooked his legs around his waist:

"Your Majesty?"

Lu Ze was unsteady and almost fell down again. He supported Yan Lingqiu's cheek with one hand, and Yu Xi stood upright. Hot breath hit his face. He lowered his head and bit his lips, and said in a hoarse voice with an unspeakable, red-faced meaning, "If you don't prepare anything, you will hurt."

Lu Ze didn't let down his strength, as if he was venting something, Yan Lingqiu only felt a tingling pain on his lips, but there was no bleeding. His watery eyes trembled slightly. After looking at him for a while, his Adam's apple rolled slightly, and the hand around his neck pressed down slightly, and he buried his whole body on his shoulder, making peace with the soft voice of mosquitoes and flies. "... yes."

Lu Ze was a little surprised, Yan Lingqiu blushed, gritted his teeth and said, "Fushun's place... there should be.

" Lu Ze watched him quietly for a while, then got up suddenly and walked out of the hall.

The muffled footsteps were particularly obvious. Yan Lingqiu heard him walking back and forth, and then the bed sank slightly, and with a slight movement, his warm body pressed against it again.

Yan Lingqiu was slightly suffocated for breathing, listening to the sound of him opening the jar, followed by a faint sound, he bit his lower lip, his teeth trembling slightly.

"Ling Qiu." Lu Ze called him, his eyes were thick and deep, he kissed his eyelids, his voice was hoarse: "No regrets?"

Yan Lingqiu's eyelashes were stained with moisture, he looked at him tremblingly He put his arms around his neck, kissed it with his lips, and showed his attitude with actions.

The warm wind outside the hall was blowing quietly, and Fushun stood beside the hall door holding his whisk, looking at the trees outside without blinking his eyes, acting like a deaf and blind man.


"Your Majesty..."

"Don't call me Your Majesty." Lu Ze kissed his moist eyes, "Call me by name..."

Yan Lingqiu lifted his neck, his voice broke, and he called out helplessly, "Ah Ze... "



When Yan Lingqiu woke up, it was already dark outside, and he was in a trance, not knowing what time it was, when he heard footsteps approaching, followed by a familiar deep voice: "Are you awake?" Yan Lingqiu looked

back Looking at the person who came, I saw that he was only wearing a loose robe, his chest was completely exposed, and there were bright red scratch marks on it.

Yan Lingqiu realized what it was, and the roots of his ears turned red slowly, subconsciously hiding himself in the bedding. It was also at this time that he realized that he was also naked, and his body stiffened involuntarily. "Still hiding?" Lu Ze sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed, looked down at him, and straightened his messy hair with one hand: "I didn't see anything just

now? Is it too late to hide now?"

The candle has been lit, adding a bit of hazy softness to the face of the person in front of him, making him look like a gentleman like jade, handsome and extraordinary. Yan Lingqiu couldn't help recalling the scene of his shortness of breath, turbulent lust in his eyes, hot sweat dripping on his body bit by bit. I can even think of how powerful his movements are, even though he begged for mercy in every possible way, he never softened his heart. The marks on their chests are the clearest evidence of their madness.

Yan Lingqiu pulled up the quilt again, revealing only a pair of eyes, trying to hide his flushed cheeks. Lu Ze smiled lowly, lowered his body, hooked the corner of the quilt and pulled it down. Instead of teasing him, he just asked in a low voice, "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Yan Lingqiu felt it and shook his head silently.

Lu Ze has always been very patient with him, and even in that respect, he has made sufficient preparations in advance. Although the later stage is really unbearable, it is not because of the pain. Especially after he cleaned it up for himself.

... Yan Lingqiu had read the book before, and vaguely knew that in this kind of thing, it is difficult for the inferiors to feel happy, especially when it is the first time, but ...

he glanced at Lu Ze.

Another look at him.

I don't know where this guy got so many tricks.

Yan Lingqiu thought his movements were subtle, but under Lu Ze's gaze, they were actually very obvious. He secretly smiled in his heart, knowing that he was thin-skinned, he just said: "Are you hungry? I ordered the imperial dining room to prepare porridge in advance, do you want to use some?" They arrived at noon, it was a ridiculous afternoon, and they slept until

now In the morning, there is basically no water, so how can you not be hungry?

Yan Lingqiu nodded, propped himself up and wanted to sit up, but something was involved, his brows were tightly knit together in an instant, and he almost fell down without support.

Lu Ze supported him with one hand, and put a soft pillow behind his waist. Seeing that he had sat up and pulled the quilt to his chest, he couldn't help smiling, took the unlined clothes on the side and put it on him, saying: "You If you are not feeling well, you don't need to get up, dinner will be delivered later, just eat on the bed."

Yan Lingqiu blushed and put on her coat, she shook her head when she heard this, and said: "No need." The voice just fell , Feeling the hoarseness of his voice, he paused, and then remembered something, his ears turned red.

Lu Ze glanced at him up and down, one hand slowly landed on the back of his waist and pressed lightly, his brows raised lightly: "Is it not uncomfortable?"

Yan Lingqiu said "Oh", and his expression changed. Lu Ze's hands paused, rubbed his palms slowly, and looked at him and said, "How dare you be so brave in front of me?"

Yan Lingqiu felt the warmth of his big palms, and hummed sullenly. He snorted twice, looked at him unblinkingly with moist eyes just after the incident, his voice was a little dependent and sticky: "Your Majesty..."

Lu Ze raised his eyebrows: "What are you calling me for?"

Yanling Qiudun After a pause, he said slowly after a while: "Ah Ze."

Only then was Lu Ze satisfied, and he lowered his head and rubbed his forehead with an intimate and gentle gesture, without any emotion. want. Yan Lingqiu's heart softened, as if being soaked in warm water.

He wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his whole body in the hollow of his shoulders.

He seemed to like this posture very much, like a kitten, surrendering his whole body and mind.

Lu Ze's hand clasped his waist slightly, and hugged him onto his body, making him face him face to face. He raised his hand to hold his chin, and kissed him again and again, from the eyebrows to the tip of the nose, from the cheeks to the side of the lips, without any regularity, but with great patience. He said in a low voice, "I'm not afraid anymore, huh?

" Lingqiu's hand holding his skirt tightened slightly, the greatest worry in his heart was eliminated, and with such a near-perfect ending, Yan Lingqiu was already very satisfied and had nothing else to ask for. At this moment, he just wanted to stick with him, even if he didn't do anything, his heart was full.

"Ah Ze..." He called out again, without any purpose, just wanting to call out.

The emperor's name was called out by him like this, if others heard it, they would be terrified.

Lu Ze responded in a low voice, pressed his waist for a while, and said, "Is there anything you want to tell me in the future, you can't keep it in your heart, huh?"

Yan Lingqiu was silent for a moment, obediently He said hello.

Lu Ze knew that his temperament would not be changed in a short while, so he was silent for a moment, stroked his hair with one hand, thinking that it was all right, with him around, he would not be wronged again.

Fushun summoned someone outside the door, and when the dinner arrived, Lu pulled down the curtains on the bed and let someone bring it in. After they left, he put Yan Lingqiu aside and boiled it until it was thick and soft. Slowly scooped up a spoonful of porridge and handed it to Yan Lingqiu's lips, saying, "Taste the porridge cooked slowly over a low fire."

Yan Lingqiu stared at him blankly for a moment, then suddenly smiled, leaned his head up, and drank in small sips.

good smell.

It was more fragrant than all the porridge he had tasted before.

His dark eyes were slightly bright, and Lu Ze looked at it for a long time before saying: "There is still a plate of glutinous rice balls, eat some?

" He drank the bowl of porridge little by little, but when Lu Ze asked him if he wanted another bowl, he shook his head, "I'm full." It's late now, and it's really hard to digest too

much , Lu Ze didn't force him any more, and asked the palace servants to pack up the things, sat down beside Yan Lingqiu again, and asked in a warm voice: "Do you want to continue to rest, or play for a while?" Yan Lingqiu shook his head

, Leaning lazily against the head of the bed, he said, "I can't sleep anymore."

He didn't know how long he had slept, but he really didn't feel sleepy at all. Lu Ze took a few books from the side: "Do you want to read for a while?"

Yan Lingqiu casually flipped through a few pages and looked at it. It was a book he was very interested in. It was very interesting, so he looked up at him: "Where's Your Majesty?"

Lu Ze rubbed his hair, "I'll be here with you, and I'll approve papers for a while."

They traveled all the way, and there were many inconveniences on the road, and some papers had piled up and hadn't been processed yet.

Yan Lingqiu said hello, saw him bring a bunch of booklets, and leaned against the bed like him, hesitated for a while, and moved towards him slowly, until his body was in contact with him, then he was satisfied.

Lu Ze glanced at him, and Yan Lingqiu also looked at him. Lu Ze couldn't help laughing, and simply wrapped his arms around his shoulders and brought him to this side, letting people lean on him.

Yan Lingqiu paused, then leaned on him with peace of mind, flipping through the scriptures time after time. Lu Ze was marking the memorial with a vermilion pen, pausing for a while, then turning his head to touch his forehead, and continuing to read the memorial. Yan Lingqiu was not paying attention, his eyes fell on the script for a while, and then quietly fell on his face. He thought he was careful, and went back and forth several times, until Lu Ze turned his gaze back, helplessly, and said, "Look if you want, why are you so sneaky?"

Yan Lingqiu paused, then muttered. : "What's sneaky, no..." He covered the script on his face and turned his head away: "Don't read it, don't read it."

Lu Ze just smiled. Yan Lingqiu stopped for a while and didn't see any movement from him. She couldn't help but turn her head to look at him, but Lu Ze seized the opportunity and leaned over to kiss him on the lips.

Yan Lingqiu was startled for a moment, then frowned, and gently patted his nose with the scriptures.

Lu Ze scooped up the man, made him lie on his lap, and said, "You can read it if you want."

He took a memorial, with a careless expression, and said very naturally: "The whole person is yours. Is there anything I can't see?"

Yan Lingqiu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled with his lips pursed.

Regardless of the future, at least for now, it is true.

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