38- I want you to kill me✔

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Link looks down at the floor, water sprayed everywhere and lots the broken vase pieces were scattered around. He was not angry at Zelda for trying to hurt him, he understood where she was coming from, he would have done the same thing in her position. He was angry at the mindless destruction of property, that vase WAS NOT HERS. And he was also overwhelmed by the loud sound the vase made when it smashed on the door, it had surely alerted someone. Link watches silently as Zelda picks up a piece of the broken vase and charges him.


Oh, is that what we are gonna do today? We are gonna fight? Bring it on kitty.

Zelda tries to stab him using her right hand, but the movement felt too slow, and too weak. Link easily blocked her attack with his left hand, grabbed a hold of her wrist and twisted her arm behind her back.

"Drop it" he warned her.

CRACK!!! Link breathes out upon hearing the sound of the vase fragment dropping to the floor, he releases his hold on the Princess. She immediately turns to him and knees him in the groin, Link falls to his knees in pain and Zelda tackles him to the floor, and begins to punch him.

What is wrong with her? She is not even trying.
*What is wrong with her? What is wrong with YOU? defend yourself*
I can't in good conscience do that. I won't hit her back when she is not really punching me... she is pretending to do so, I don't know why, but I know she does not want to hurt me.
*She is provoking you then, your Princess wants YOU to punish her, DO IT*

Zelda kept throwing swings at Link, he covers his face with his fore arms and pumps up his hips, causing the Princess to lose her balance and fall forward on her hands since she was seating on top of him. Link quickly grabs her right arm pulls it to the left, he lifts his hips up again forcing her to fall off to his left side. Once she is off, Link jumps to a standing position. Zelda panics and tries to crawl away but Link places a foot on her back pressing her against the floor. He then crouches over her and pulls on that messy blond mane of hers, making her arch her neck back. Leaning forward he whispers in her ear.

"So, you wanted to dance with the devil"


Link closes his eyes in relief, he really enjoys the idea of punishing Zelda, but this felt bittersweet. He releases the Princess and hurries to answer the door.

A young Concierge is on the other side of the door smiling "GOOD AFTHERNOON, there were some complains about noises coming from your room, is everything ok?"

Link smiles sheepishly "Yeah about that, I am very clumsy, I tripped and broke one of your decorative vases, I will clean it up myself, so don't bother sending someone over, just charge it on me"

"Are you sure? The complains suggest a fight may be taking place" the Concierge continues to ask worried, since the adjacent room who complained was hosting a family. He must be extra cautious and solve the issue fast.

Zelda finally stands from the floor and starts speaking "No fight was taking place, what the people heard was me having one of my seizures. By the way, it was not him who broke the vase, it was me" Zelda says approaching the door smiling.

The concierge gawks at the Princess, she is beautiful and the short messy hair makes it difficult for him not to think of sex. He immediately shakes his head remembering she is underage and that her brother IS present, or at least that is what he was informed at the front desk, that the room was being used by underage siblings, and that it was paid by the boy since he had a power of attorney, meaning that by law they could dismiss his age... fucking rich people.

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