Chapter 2

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One year later.

Caleb gets back in Rosewood. He pulls into the driveway of his grandfather's house, and after getting out of the car, he opens one of the rear doors and Chocolate gets out of the car as well. Yes, he has kept the dog.

A year ago, the night of the storm, he and Chocolate spent the night at his grandfather's house. It was really hard for Caleb to stay there, but he did it for the dog who was scared as hell. Caleb gave him a safe place to stay.

The morning after the storm was sunny, and Caleb wanted to let the dog go back home, he opened the front door and told him to go away, he tried to make him go back to his owner, because it was obvious that a dog as beautiful as that, and so well cared for, belonged to someone. But Chocolate didn't go away, no matter how much Caleb tried to kick him out. And when the dog ran after his car for ten blocks when he started to drive away, Caleb didn't have the heart to abandon him, and although he knew it wasn't the right thing to do, he couldn't stand staying one more minute in that town, to take time to look for the dog's owner himself, it was just too much for him, so he just gave in and took Chocolate with him.

And well, now, a year after, there they are, back at that house. Caleb has inherited it shortly after his visit to Rosewood, since he was the only family that his grandfather had left, and although he chose to go on with his life the way it was instead of going back there, and it worked perfectly for him for some time, now he is back and ready to face the situation.

Caleb "Well, we've got a lot of work to do in here..." he says to the dog while taking a look around after stepping into the house.

No one has been in that house after them. The furniture is still covered by sheets and all the surfaces are covered by a dust coat as well.

Caleb approaches one of the windows and after opening the curtains, he opens the window to let in some fresh air. After doing the same with every window of the house, he takes the sheets off the furniture, uncovering everything, and then grabs a broom in order to start with the hard work.


Hanna wakes up hearing an annoying ringtone coming from a phone.

Hanna "Why don't you just put your phone on silent?" she says a little annoyed, before even opening her eyes.

Jordan "Sorry, babe" he presses a kiss against her temple before taking his phone from the bedside table "It must be important" he gets up from the bed and puts on his underwear while taking the call.

Hanna finally opens her eyes and sees Jordan getting in the bathroom. They are in their luxury suite at the Radley Hotel, which is managed by Ashley, Hanna's mom.

Hanna has moved in with Jordan to New York six months ago, well, to New York is just a way to say it, because they spend most of the time traveling, going here and there because of his job and Hanna has been accompanying him wherever he goes.

Hanna has gotten back to Rosewood about a week ago to visit her mother and her friends, and well, to show them the amazing diamond ring she has been wearing since a month ago when Jordan proposed to her. Her fiancée has joined her just a couple of days ago after getting back from one of his business trips. Although Ashley has invited Jordan to stay at her house, Jordan politely refused her invitation by saying he would rather stay at a hotel, not to be a nuisance. Hanna knew the real reason, Jordan is kind of special when it comes to his personal space and all that stuff. She has noticed that when she moved in with him, she could swear he felt a little invaded at first. So, she managed to come out with the best solution, she asked her mom for that suite at the Radley and that way, Ashley was able to be the "host" and Jordan didn't really have to stay at her house.

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