Chapter 38

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Sunday evening.

Caleb is chilling out on his couch with Chocolate, who is lying between his legs. He is having some snacks because he doesn't feel like cooking or even ordering something, so he is planning to just skip dinner. He is also having some beer while watching TV.

The doorbell interrupts his relaxed evening but he doesn't mind. He is sure it has to be Hanna, since who else would come over to his place that time on Sunday? And after what happened that afternoon, it's definitely not Toby.

He stands up from the couch.

Caleb "What a watch dog you are!" he says amused to Chocolate while heading to the front door, since the dog just ignored the doorbell and chose to keep napping.

Caleb is still smiling when he opens the door, but his smiley face is replaced by a confused expression when he sees the person standing there.

Caleb "Oh! Hi!" he says surprised. "I'm sorry, I just thought you were Hanna" he explains, becoming aware of his not-so-friendly greeting.

Mona "It's fine" she smiles. "I'm not Hanna, but It has to do with her, so..."

Caleb "Is everything all right?" he asks confused.

Mona "Yeah... I just came to talk to you for a sec... may I come in?"

Caleb "Yes, sure..." he says and moves to the side so she can get inside. Then he closes the door and they go to the living room. "I'm sorry for the mess... I wasn't expecting visitors"

Mona chuckles. "Please, I'm friends with Hanna, I've seen worse than this mess. It's fine" she sits down on a chair.

Caleb sits down on the couch next to Chocolate. "So? What brings you here?" he doesn't like Mona that much and he will not offer her a beer, because the sooner she leaves, the better. But he is interested in what she has to tell him, because he is interested in anything that has to do with Hanna.

Mona "I don't know if you know that Hanna is looking for a job..."

Caleb "Yes, of course I know"

Mona "Well, she asked me for my help the other day... a job in fashion is not easy to get, and I have some connections..."

Caleb just stares at her, letting her talk.

Mona "She wanted a job here in Rosewood or at least in Philly, because it isn't so far from here. But I got her a job interview in New York, because of course, New York City and fashion are like synonyms... there's a ninety-nine percent chance that she gets that job, because to be honest, that interview is just a formality, the job is hers. But she refuses to even go to that interview because it is in New York"

Caleb "So? What's the problem?"

Mona "Don't you see?"

Caleb "She doesn't feel like moving back to New York, it's fine. Besides, she doesn't need a job in fashion. She should start making her own dresses already. Her own business. She doesn't need to work for anyone else"

Mona "You are clueless, Caleb. This job is perfect for her career. It's a very important fashion brand. They are looking for new designers because they want to launch a new line of haute couture dresses. This is perfect for Hanna, she would meet so many people, famous people would wear her designs... but she is so stubborn, she is not listening to me"

Caleb "I'm pretty sure she has a very good reason not to go to that job interview. She is smart and she knows what she wants"

Mona "Yeah, she is smart, but she is also in love" she stares at Caleb.

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