Chapter 4

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Hanna is still sitting next to Ashley on the couch when her phone starts to ring on the coffee table. She grabs it while checking the screen. It's Jordan.

Hanna "I'll be right back" she says to her mom and goes up the stairs. Obviously, Chocolate follows her. "Hey, baby" she says on the phone while closing the door of her bedroom after the dog gets in as well. "I was waiting for your call" she says, a little unsure, and hoping her fiancée isn't too mad at her.

Jordan "Hi, Han" he simply says.

Hanna "I'm sorry I didn't go there as I promised, are you mad at me?" she goes straight to the point.

Jordan "Mad is not the word... honestly, I feel a little disappointed... I was really counting on you"

Hanna sits on the edge of the bed "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise"

Jordan "Just like you promised me you would be here tonight?"

Hanna "Please, don't make me feel even worse than I already do... You know I would have gone there if it wasn't for-"

Jordan "I know, I know" he says calm. "I know how much having your dog back means to you... I just... it makes me see like an idiot, I told everyone I would bring my fiancée with me tonight and now, well... I guess I'll have to just make up some excuse... this dinner is such a big deal to my dad"

Hanna "I'm sorry" she says again and lays down on the bed. But gets no answer from Jordan, so she changes the subject "I miss you. Are you coming back here when you are done?"

Jordan "No... I'll stay here for another week... I guess I'll see you back in New York"

Hanna "Okay..." she only says, although she knows she won't make it to New York in just a week, but they having to move to a new place because of Chocolate is not a subject to bring up right now that Jordan is upset.

Jordan "Well, I have to go"

Hanna "Fine... call me later, please"

Jordan "Uh huh"

Hanna "I miss you" she says again. "Do you miss me?"

Jordan "Yes, Han"

Hanna "Tell me that you miss me, please"

Jordan "I miss you..."

Hanna smiles slightly.

Jordan "I'm just too upset to say it right now" he adds and Hanna's smile fades away.

Hanna "Okay. Call me back tonight before you go to sleep... I love you..." she says although she doesn't expect to hear him saying it back.

Jordan "Bye, Han" he says and hangs up.

Hanna remains lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling for minutes until her phone starts to ring again, interrupting her thoughts.

Hanna "Hey, Em" she greets her friend.

Emily "Hi Han... we are getting together at Spencer's, Toby is grilling some hamburgers, you are in, right?"

Hanna "I'm not exactly in the mood, Em... and I just came home from Spencer's"

Emily "Come on, it will be fun... besides, it's such a beautiful night, we are gonna be out in the backyard, having some drinks, you can bring Chocolate"

Hanna "I don't know, Em"

Emily "Please? We all will be there... I'm picking you up in an hour, fine?"

Hanna "Okay, fine..."

Emily "Perfect!" she says excited before ending the call.


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