Chapter 7

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Hanna wakes up feeling a soft caress on her cheek.

Caleb "Han" he says softly when she opens her eyes.

Hanna sits up straight, rubbing her eyes.

Caleb "You fell asleep" he smiles at her.

Hanna "How long? What time is it?"

Caleb chuckles. "Just for a few minutes... I'm taking you home, ok?"

Hanna nods and grabs her phone. She doesn't have a single missed called or a text from Jordan. She puts it into her purse and stands up from the mattress.

Caleb takes his empty cup and Hanna's full cup of coffee and stands up as well. "Do you still want this? I can heat it up for you if you want"

Hanna shakes her head no, she's quiet after her short nap and Caleb can't help thinking how cute she looks with the flushed cheeks of her sleepy face.

Caleb "Okay, I'll be right back" he goes into the kitchen.

Chocolate finally stands up as well when he sees that Hanna heads for the front door, he goes with her.

When Caleb comes out from the kitchen, he picks up Chocolate's red ball from the floor, the one he has been playing with that afternoon, and he hands it to Hanna, but instead of taking it, she takes Caleb's hand in her hands and smiles slightly. "Keep it... he'll need something to play with when he comes over"

Caleb smiles back and can't help thinking that that night wouldn't end with him just taking Hanna home if it weren't for the fact that she is already taken by another man.


Next day.

Hanna gets home after having lunch with her mom and flops down on the couch with Chocolate. She's changing channels when her phone buzzes, so she drops the remote and takes her phone. It's a text from Emily "Hey, Han, we are getting together at the Brew in like an hour, are you in?"

Hanna "Sure, I'll be there" she texts back and right away, Emily replies to her "Great. I said in an hour, not two or three, so if you are late, you won't find anyone except for Ezra in there"

Hanna rolls her eyes and texts her friend back "Fuck you, I'll be the first to arrive"

After sending that last text, she calls Caleb.

Caleb "Hey, Han" he answers the call after a few seconds.

Hanna "Hey, how are you doing?"

Caleb "I'm good... trying to fix a shitty water connection but I'll definitely need to call a plumber"

Hanna laughs. "Thought Toby was going to help you"

Caleb "Yeah, but Spencer wasn't feeling so well, so he went back home"

Hanna "Oh... I'll give her a call later..."

Caleb "What about you? What are you up to?"

Hanna "I'm getting together with the guys at the Brew in like an hour, that's why I'm calling, wanna come?"

Caleb "What's the Brew?"

Hanna "Oh, sorry, I forgot... It's Ezra's coffee shop"

Caleb "Ok, I'm coming... I won't be able to fix this shit anyway, so I'm in... where's this place?"

Hanna "I'll pick you up in half an hour"

Caleb "Thought you said in an hour"

Hanna "Yeah, well, but I told Emily I would be there before anyone else, she's messing with me because I'm always late"

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