Chapter 55

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Hanna finally reaches the room where Caleb is recovering after his surgery. Uncertain of how he'll react, she cautiously opens the door and peers inside to see Caleb.

Caleb "Hey, wifey." He jokes, offering her a smile.

Hanna returns the smile, feeling more assured, and swiftly approaches him, setting her purse on the chair beside his bed on her way.

Hanna "Hey." She greets him, leaning over his bed to tenderly embrace him.

Caleb hugs her back, wrapping his arms around her while sitting up slightly.

Hanna "I'm so sorry, Caleb. I should have been there for you." She says, still holding him in the hug.

Caleb "It's okay. You didn't know." He reassures her, then lies back down, gently pulling away from her arms.

Hanna places her hand on his face, caressing him with her thumb. "How are you feeling? Does it hurt?"

Caleb "It doesn't hurt. I guess I'm still under the effects of the painkillers. I just feel a little weird, but I'm okay." He responds, looking at her. "You look worse than me. Are you okay?"

Hanna's bottom lip starts trembling as she tries to speak, struggling to contain her emotions. "I'm okay too." She manages to say before tears stream down her face. "You... You're just too kind, asking if I'm okay when you're the one who just came out of surgery." She pauses to wipe away the tears that have escaped her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Caleb. About everything. You were right. I won't open that other store in New York. I don't know what I was thinking. I want to make things right again. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was choosing my work over you. You are my choice, Caleb. You've always been." She confesses, unable to hold back her emotions any longer.

Caleb "Hey..."

Caleb extends his arms from his hospital bed, reaching out to her. Hanna steps forward, allowing Caleb to pull her close to his chest as she leans against him, resting her head on his chest, finding some comfort in his embrace. She sobs softly, her tears wetting the hospital gown he's wearing.

Caleb "You should do the New York expansion, Han. I think it's a great idea. But we'll discuss everything later. For now, please, try to calm down before someone comes to take you away again."

Hanna "That doctor is crazy if he thinks he can make me leave. I'm not moving from here."

Caleb smiles softly. "No one is taking my wife away from me." He gently strokes her hair.

Hanna "Yeah... that was just a little white lie."

Caleb "Anyway, I just want you to calm down. I'm fine... and we will be fine too."

Hanna "You think?" She asks as she eases out of his embrace and stands up straight again.

Caleb "I'm sure."

Hanna takes a deep breath and wipes her tears away, trying to calm down.

Caleb "Did they tell you how long I'll have to stay here?"

Hanna "The doctor said a couple of days." She looks around the recovery room. "I'm sure they'll move you to another room soon." She lets out another deep breath, feeling more relaxed.

Caleb nods.

Hanna "The guys brought your bag, but let me know if there's anything else you need."

Caleb "I think I have everything I need in there."

Hanna nods.

They fall into a moment of silence, and Caleb reaches for Hanna's hand.

Hanna "Are you coming back home when they discharge you?" She asks, her forehead wrinkled with worry.

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