Chapter 10

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Next day. Thursday.

Hanna is at Alison's. Aria, Emily and Spencer are there too. They are hanging out in the living room.

Spencer rolls her eyes. "Yeah, that's true" she says to Emily "But he got really overprotective too lately... he drives me nuts sometimes"

They are talking about her pregnancy and how she and Toby got so cheesily closer than ever.

Aria smiles. "I think that's really cute"

Spencer "Speak of the devil..." she says and grabs her phone after it buzzes.

Emily "Checking on you?" she asks amused.

Spencer "Uh huh" she says while typing on her phone to text him back.

Alison checks the time on her phone. "Why don't you tell him to come?" she says and then she turns to look at Aria. "And you text Ezra too, let's get together for dinner"

Hanna "Can I invite Caleb to come as well?"

Alison gives her an amused smile. "Sure"

Hanna rolls her eyes at her. "Chocolate is with him, I needed to get him back anyway"

Hanna has dropped Chocolate off at Caleb's on her way to Alison's house earlier. She had plans with the girls and he was busy with the house repairs, so they only exchanged a few words.

Alison "It's okay, I didn't say anything" she chuckles.

Emily "What's going on?" she asks, feeling like she is being left out of something while Spencer and Aria are still focused on their phones.

Hanna "Nothing" she says while taking her phone as well to text Caleb.

Spencer "Okay, Toby is coming" she says and puts her phone down.

Aria "So is Ezra"

Alison "Great... what should we have for dinner? I'm cooking"


They are all already at the house when Caleb rings the doorbell. Chocolate by his side.

Emily "Hey" she gives him a smile after opening the door. "How are you doing, Caleb?"

Caleb "Pretty good, you?" he smiles back.

Emily "I'm good too, please, come in" she moves to the side and Caleb and Chocolate step into the house. "Hey, auntie's baby" she says to the dog while going down on her knees in order to greet him. "Toby and Ezra are in the living room, the girls in the kitchen" she says to Caleb and turns back to Chocolate. "You are such a sweetie" she presses a kiss on the side of his snout.

Of course, Caleb heads for the kitchen.

Caleb "Hey, guys!" he greets them with a smile, and the girls greet him back. But he pays special attention to one of them in particular.

Hanna "Hey" she turns around and smiles at him. She's standing before the kitchen countertop next to Alison, she's helping her chop some vegetables.

Caleb approaches her and moves her hair back to place a sweet kiss on her cheek. Then he just turns around and leaves the kitchen to go with Toby and Ezra.

Alison elbows Hanna.

Hanna "Stop it" she whispers to her.


After dinner.

Hanna gets back into the house after taking Chocolate outside since he asked to go out to pee.

In the meanwhile, her friends have moved from the dining room to the living room. All the seats are taken so she heads for the armchair where Caleb is sitting, but when she is about to sit on the armrest, he places his hand on her waist and pulls her onto his lap instead. Hanna gives him a smile and rests her arm on his shoulders.

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