Chapter 32

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Caleb goes back to Toby and Spencer's and as soon as he steps into the dining room where everyone is sitting at the table, all eyes turn to him. But he doesn't say anything, he just goes and takes seat too.

Spencer "So... did you see her?"

Caleb "Yeah"

Alison "And what was she up to?"

Caleb "She was just waiting for Mona to pick her up"

Spencer "Where were they going?"

Caleb "I don't know. I didn't ask" he shrugs.

Alison "You didn't ask?" she asks surprised.

Caleb "No" he lies. He doesn't want to tell the girls that Hanna was just going to a party. He doesn't know what's going on between Hanna and her friends, but he does know that he doesn't want to get in the middle of it and telling Spencer that Hanna canceled on her just for a party won't do any good. "I went there just to check on her, and she is fine guys... just trying to move on, that's all"

Aria "Well, that's good, I guess..."

Spencer "I don't know what could be more important than coming here as she promised me she would"

Alison "Yeah, especially with Mona involved"

Toby "Just leave her alone, guys..." he tells Spencer and Alison.

Emily "Yeah... maybe she just needs some time, she will show up any of these days... let's have dinner already" she grabs the bag with the food that they ordered and takes out one of the food packages. "Who ordered spaghetti Bolognese?"


A couple of hours later, the guys are sitting outside in the backyard, having some drinks, as they usually do every time they get together for dinner there. Spencer and Toby are cuddling together on a couch, Aria is sitting on Ezra's lap and Alison and Emily are just sitting next to each other, but Emily's arm is over Alison's shoulders and they are holding hands. Caleb gets now why Hanna told him that she was always the third wheel in that group of friends, because that's exactly how he feels at the moment and he wishes she was there too. Hanna would surely sit on his lap as always, he would embrace her waist to keep her close and they would probably even share a glass, so when it was her turn to drink and hold the glass, he would use his free hand to touch her a little, maybe to caress the soft skin of her legs, or he could also use that hand to move her hair aside and kiss her neck for a bit.

Emily "Hey, you!" she raises her voice and brings Caleb back from his thoughts. "I'm talking to you" she smiles at Caleb when he finally looks at her. "Do you want a refill?" she asks while holding a bottle of wine.

Caleb "Sure, thanks" he smiles back.

Spencer "What a beautiful night, guys... I don't want summer to end"

Aria "Yeah... it's still early, we should do something, we should go out"

Spencer "Yeah! Totally"

Alison "Eric Kahn invited me to a party, I wasn't going to go, but if you guys want, we can go... he told me that I could bring some friends, so..."

Aria "That sounds fun, we could go there for a while..."

Ezra "Mmm... I have to work tomorrow"

Toby "Yeah, me too... I'll pass"

Spencer "I'm in... I feel like dancing a little!"

Toby gives her a look.

Spencer "What? I'm pregnant, but I still can party..."

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