Chapter 57

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New York.

It's evening and Lucas returns to his apartment after a long day of business meetings. He finds Hanna sitting at the table, focused on her laptop.

Lucas "Hey, Han!"

Hanna "Hey!" She greets him back with a smile. "Are you hungry? I ordered Chinese for two. The delivery should be arriving soon."

Lucas "Great! Thanks." He takes a seat across from her at the small table.

Lucas' apartment in New York is just as modern and well-decorated as his loft in Rosewood, but it's not as spacious. Lucas has persistently encouraged her to stay, so Hanna's been staying in his cozy guestroom since her arrival in New York two weeks ago.

Lucas "So, what are you working on?"

Hanna "Just selecting some pictures of my best dresses for the new presentation."

The meeting Lucas arranged with some potential investors was a success. Although the attendance wasn't extensive, most of them seemed interested in Hanna's business, especially after Lucas presented the growth projections within a year of expanding it to New York. While a few attendees declined a second meeting, maybe already committed to investing in other types of projects, the majority showed interest in learning more about the project and confirmed their attendance for a second encounter. Some even contacted Lucas' assistant to involve additional people. So now, Hanna has been busy working on her part of the new presentation that she and Lucas are preparing.

Lucas "Yeah, about that... I've been thinking. Wouldn't it be better if you brought some of your dresses to the meeting? Instead of just some pictures?" He suggests.

Hanna nods. "Yeah, I could do that if you think it will be really useful. But my stock at the store is still pretty limited, so I would have to bring the dresses here just for that day and then take them back to Rosewood before opening time the following day."

Lucas "Do it, Han. It'll make a difference. Actual dresses will have more impact than just pictures."

Hanna "Okay, I'll go get them the day before the meeting then."

Lucas "Perfect."


A couple of days later, in the afternoon, Hanna arrives in Rosewood. She heads straight to her store, taking the opportunity to ensure everything is running smoothly there.

Maggie warmly welcomes her at the store, and then she heads upstairs to see Lisa and Vanessa. She finds everything as she left it, and nothing seems out of order. The same issue as always persists: the ladies are struggling to keep up with the production of the dresses. However, it seems they've managed quite well, given that the store doesn't look as empty. Hanna also checks the latest finished dresses and finds them to be of the same perfect quality as always.

Hanna "Okay, Lis... so I'll place the order the day after tomorrow, and it should arrive by next Monday." She says, after making a list of the supplies she needs to restock.

Lisa "Perfect."

Hanna "I'm also taking some lace with me... I'm working on Spencer's dress, and I want to hand-sew the delicate parts..." She explains.

Lisa "Oh, then you should take this as well." She goes through a drawer and retrieves a spool of very fine white thread. "This is the best for lacework." She hands it to Hanna.

Hanna gives her a smile. "Thanks, Lis."

Lisa "There's something else I'd like to talk to you about, Han..."

Hanna "Sure, what is it?"

Lisa "Caleb was here last week."

Hanna "Here at the store?" She asks, intrigued. "What did he want?"

It wasn't at first sightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ