Chapter 18

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Saturday. Toby's birthday.

Hanna parks her car at Spencer's lake house. "We are here, baby" she tells Chocolate who is asleep on the back seat as she takes her purse and Toby's present from the passenger seat.

She gets out of the car and goes open the rear door for the dog before taking her suitcase from the trunk.

Hanna "Over here, Chocolate" she tells him while walking toward the house.

She is feeling really anxious and the only reason for her anxiousness is Caleb. She hasn't seen him since he walked away from her two days ago. When she called him on the phone later that day, he was on his way to Allentown. Learning about it, worried her at first, but he assured her that she had nothing to worry about, that he only needed some time to himself, and that they would see each other again at Toby's birthday. And there she is: about to see him again. She only hopes that things between them aren't awkward.

Hanna "Hey, everyone!" she greets her friends after letting herself in and they all greet her back.

Everyone is already there. Aria, Ezra, Alison and Emily have arrived in the morning, ready to spend the beautiful summer day at the lake. Caleb, who came straight from Allentown, has gotten there just in time for lunch. They are still sitting at the table, since they had lunch in the house because it was too hot outside. Everyone greets Chocolate as well, but he rushes toward Caleb immediately.

Toby "You brought a large suitcase?" he asks amused.

Aria laughs. "You know that we are staying only one night, right?" she adds and everyone laughs.

Hanna rolls her eyes. "Yeah, I know. Is someone going to help me take this upstairs or you will just stay there and make fun of me?"

Caleb "Here" he says and stands up from his chair, still smiling amused, and goes take her suitcase.

Hanna smiles at him.

Toby "Aren't you going to wish me a happy birthday?" he tells Hanna.

Hanna "Oh, sorry, baby!" she grins and goes hug him. "Happy birthday!... this is for you" she gives him the present.

Toby "Thank you" he smiles.

Caleb "Where should I put this?" he asks from the stairs.

Hanna "Oh, mm... I am still sharing room with Ali, right?" she asks to Spencer and then looks at Alison.

Alison "Yeah" she only says, a bit awkwardly.

Hanna "Okay" she gives her a smile.

She was hoping that Alison and Emily would sort things out by now so she could sleep in the same room as Caleb and maybe have some time to talk to him, but it seems like they didn't.

Hanna follows Caleb upstairs and then to the room that she's sharing with her friend.

Hanna "Thank you" she tells him after he places her suitcase next to the bed.

Caleb "You are welcome" he smiles at her and he is about to leave the room but Hanna stops him.

Hanna "Wait" she takes his arm and he turns back around to look at her. "Are we okay?" she takes the opportunity to talk to him, since she's not sure if they will be able to have some time alone again.

Caleb "Yeah, of course we are"

Hanna "I didn't go to Boston"

Caleb "It's okay, you don't have to tell me anything"

Hanna "Yes, I have to... I want to. Can we talk?" she approaches him and wraps her arms around his neck.

Caleb "Look, Han... we are fine, okay? I don't want to talk. But everything is okay between us, don't worry" he places his hands on her waist but doesn't pull her closer or anything, there's still a distance between their bodies.

It wasn't at first sightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum