Chapter 62

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Sunday evening.

Caleb "Well, here we are, Han!" He says while opening the door to the apartment that is going to be their home for the next month.

Hanna "It's a very nice place, babe." She says after taking a look around.

Caleb "Yeah, it's not very spacious, but it'll do."

Hanna and Caleb's rented apartment in New York City is a modest yet cozy studio. It features a combined living area, compact kitchenette with essential appliances, and a sleeping area. Despite its small size, large windows allow natural light to fill the space. The living area is furnished with a comfortable sofa, a small dining table, and a TV. Caleb was drawn to this apartment because of the designated workspace in the corner, as he'll be working remotely and needs a dedicated area for that.

Hanna "I love it." She smiles at him. "Besides, we won't need too much space. I'm planning on being all over you all the time while I'm here." She grabs him by the neck and plants several noisy kisses on his cheek.

Caleb "Won't complain." He chuckles, about to wrap his arms around her, but Hanna lets go and heads to her suitcase.

Hanna "I'll go get the rest of my things from Lucas' apartment tomorrow." She says, dragging her suitcase toward the closet next to the bed.

Caleb "Do I need to rent another apartment for your clothes?" He takes his suitcase and follows her to the sleeping area.

Hanna chuckles. "I'll just keep some things in my suitcase... and maybe I can take some stuff back to Rosewood next weekend when we go there." She says, aware of the limited closet space.

She opens her suitcase and pulls out a couple of dresses to hang in the closet immediately, avoiding wrinkles.

Caleb flops down on the bed, feeling tired after having spent the whole weekend with friends, and babies, and Chocolate... and Hanna.

Hanna "Aren't you going to unpack?"

Caleb "I'm tired." He yawns, grabbing his phone. "I'll do it tomorrow."

Hanna finishes putting away the garments that might wrinkle and then takes Caleb's suitcase.

Hanna "Let me at least unpack your shirts, okay?"

Caleb "Go ahead."

She opens his suitcase and starts sorting through his clothes, separating his shirts to put them away.

Caleb watches her from the bed and notices something in Hanna's suitcase, that she left open on the floor.

Caleb "Isn't that my t-shirt?"

Hanna looks at him confused, and he points to her suitcase.

Hanna spots his t-shirt on top of her clothes that she hasn't unpacked yet. "Oh... yeah, that's your t-shirt." She casually says and turns back to resume her task.

Caleb smiles. "My favorite dark-grey t-shirt that I've been looking for everywhere for months?"

Hanna chuckles. "I must have packed it in my suitcase by mistake."

Caleb sits up. "Did you by chance also pack my black t-shirt, the one with the white stamp on the chest?" He asks, already amused.

Hanna grins, still not looking at him as she's still searching his suitcase, crouching down, facing away. "Oh, yes... That slipped into my suitcase too. It's at Lucas'."

Caleb laughs. "You, pretty thief!"

Caleb stands up from the bed and walks over to Hanna, crouching down as well and wrapping his arms around her waist from behind as she rummages through his suitcase.

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