Chapter 40

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Hanna is at The Brew having an iced latte. She is on her phone and looks up when someone sits at her table, across from her.

Hanna "Hey!" she smiles.

Toby "Hi, Han! How are you doing?"

Hanna "I'm pretty well... you?"

Toby just sighs in response.

Hanna "You will get better, Tob... Spencer and you will get through this" she reaches out and places her hand on his arm, comforting him.

Toby "I hope so" he says very softly.

Hanna "What would you like to have? I'll go get you something" she offers.

Toby "No, it's fine... just tell me what you wanted to talk about... I'm short of time"

Hanna nods and takes a sip of coffee before speaking. "You and Caleb need to have a talk, you two can't just stop speaking to each other because of a stupid misunderstanding. You were getting along so well, it's a-"

Toby cuts her off. "Stupid misunderstanding? The guy is a fucking liar, Hanna. He made up a whole fake life, a family... he only moved to Rosewood once his grandfather was finally dead. He is a wicked son of a bitch"

Hanna "Come on, you got to know him. You can't seriously think that about him"

Toby "No, I thought I knew him, but I didn't. And you don't know him that well either, Hanna. We've known the guy for only a few months. You don't get to know someone fully in such a short time"

Hanna frowns. "I do know him. You can't determine how well you know someone based on time. I've shared so many things with him. He told me a lot of things about his life that you don't know. You shouldn't judge him"

Toby "How can you be so sure that he didn't lie to you too?"

Hanna sighs. This is being harder than she thought. She feels frustrated because Toby isn't even trying.

Toby "Look, Han... I thought you wanted to talk to me about Spencer, that's the only reason why I'm here. To be honest, I've got too many things to worry about at the moment and Caleb isn't one of them. Right now, Spencer and my baby are all I care about"

Hanna nods. She gets him.

Toby "Please Han, if there's something you know I could do to get Spencer back, just tell me"

Hanna smiles at him. "She needs some space right now, but it would be nice if you texted her every so often just to let her know that you are still there for her"

Toby "I need to see her. It's been three days... three freaking long days"

Hanna "I know it's hard, but you need to be patient, Toby"

Toby runs his hands through his hair, he looks frustrated.

Hanna "You look unhappy, Toby... and I'm not talking about what is going on between you and Spencer, you looked unhappy before it... are you okay?"

Toby looks at her but remains silent.

Hanna "Forget for one second that I'm Spencer's friend. I'm your friend too, and you can count on me"

Toby "I've been too stressed out by my job, Han... we are in the middle of something big"

Hanna "What are you up to?" she asks intrigued.

Toby "I can't tell you. It's a secret investigation. I'm not supposed to tell anyone"

Hanna "Does Spencer know about it? Is that why she worries so much about you when you work at night?"

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